single player

  1. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  2. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Crashing, Mine Bug, and Achievement Issue

    The game crashes randomly a lot but especially when I play splitscreen multiplayer. There’s this bug in the mines (all) that makes your weapons leave the animation swoosh and all the drops are frozen in place and inaccessible to both players (this happens when I play single player too though)...
  3. Elliottshusband54

    Switch 1.6 update issue

    I believe there has been an issue thrust upon my pre-existing, single player save file after updating to 1.6 on the Nintendo Switch. For some odd reason, all gifts to villagers have been listed as ‘loved’ - which, granted, doesn’t actually seem like much of an issue at all. However, it takes the...
  4. Android No tool upgrade message

    I haven't been getting the little pop ups at the start of the day about tool upgrade completion. They are collectable from Clint just no alerts anymore.
  5. BlueDiamond

    Switch Cutscene Is Going Black

    I have version 1.6.9 build 40 After giving gifts to NPCs around town, I keep trying to head up to the mountains and there is always a cutscene. It shows Leo and Linus making a Bean Hotpot, then to Leo with Jas, Vincent and Penny in the Museum. Then the cutscene goes black. I can open my...
  6. Manal

    Android Game Froze

    Hello, I play SDV on mobile (1.6 version) and the screen stuck on the farm with the a message of "new journal entry" and I can only move/see this, it had been buggy before starting from the dialogues but now it froze. what should I do? I don't want my hardworking save to disappear :(...
  7. Android No tickets

    Sometimes I don't get the tickets from completing quests. Not exactly sure if it's linked but it might happen when I already have one in inventory.
  8. 5H4TT3R MY 5KU11

    Switch Alex (after marrying) gets stuck in the fence at the bus stop on his way to visit his grandparents.

    I play on Switch, single player, in English, version 1.6 (tryna provide all the information I can, idk) and every single time (expect for the first few times for some reason) Alex goes to visit his grandparents, he gets stuck inside the fence at the bus stop on his way there. It just bugs me...
  9. Outcast123_

    Windows Can't reach chest

    There's a stone chest in left corner i have placed in one of previous version of the game. I successfully used it before but now in 1.6 version i can't reach it because when i approach I am automatically enter next area. There are like 1000 ancient fruits in this chest please help. T_T
  10. Android Cannot pick up junimo chests?

    I can't pick up the junimo chests at all, both my pickaxe and axe only move it around :( I can break normal chests (only empty) but of course does not help for a junimo chest.
  11. Android Cannot sells trinkets

    The option to sell the trinkets at the Adventure's Guild is not available :(
  12. Android Forage growth

    I've set up a tapper farm in the railroad area with pathways separating the trees. At the start of each year forage mess grows over the paths and destroying them some places. This never happened before the update.
  13. Xbox Incomplete Wedding Dialogue

    v1.6.9 build 37 Not sure if this is intentional (though I'm not sure why it would be) but I encountered a dialogue bug during my wedding. I'm playing single player on Xbox, and I'm marrying Haley right now. The wedding starts as normal, but after the introduction when Lewis says "Let's get...
  14. Switch 1.6.9 lag when fishing single player

    i’m playing 1.6.9 on switch single player. with the update, i’ve noticed the lag when fishing. for me it seems happen the most when the fish bites quickly after the bobber hits the water, and it freezes the start of the mini game for a couple seconds. however i have had the minigame freeze at...
  15. iOS Everyone in town is glitching

    Everyone is staring at walls or standing in weird positions and everyone who is supposed to be at the aerobics class just completely disappeared except Caroline
  16. tigercait

    iOS Meadowlands farm has a farmhand cabin in single player

    I just updated to 1.6 and started a new Meadowlands-type farm. There's a farmhand cabin next to the main house even though this save (like every mobile save) is single player. I can't open the box of hay inside. I can't get the forum interface to select my game file (probably because it doesn't...
  17. Windows Crops vanish randomly despite scarecrow

    Hi there! I play on Windows 10, Single Player World, Meadow Map, and registered several times that crop went missing although correct scarecrow placement and no weeds around them. I'm sure I planted crops, as they had already at least halway or fully fully grown and as such were clearly visible...
  18. invasionzames

    Windows game crashes when trying to save any file

    This has happened to me twice now. I'll be playing for many hours, and then when I try to save the game it will crash. The save file will then disappear from the game. But if I try and start a BRAND NEW save file, the game will crash when saving THAT file too. I was able to "fix" the problem by...
  19. thehunor

    Windows [1.6.3] Error when trying to start a movie in the theater

    I entered the movie theater with Sebastian for a screening of It Howls In The Rain, played around a dozen rounds of the crane game, bought a Jasmine Tea, and then when I tried to enter the room to begin the movie, I got the error below: ''[Error] Event script error: Object reference not...
  20. Single player with multiple farmers?

    Hi everyone! Im currently playing a farm but I’d like to add multiple farmers to the one playthrough that just me can play at different times? Can I do this by adding the extra houses from Robin? I only have 1 PC and it’s modded! thanks!