
  1. yifansgf

    Android Can't dye using the sewing machine

    Everytime i dye using the sewing machine, at the last few seconds my game will crash. Almost completely kills my will to create outfits =(, i can use the sewing machine just fine, i just cant dye clothes with a prismatic shard or a rainbow shell. Even the sewing machine at emily's crashes the...
  2. 450735

    Some cross-stitch/sewing projects

    Hello people, Time for me to join the fanart (well, fancraft mostly) party with these lovely articles: First one is a tote bag, made from recycled bedsheets and some fabric I had laying around. Close up on the chickens: I made these using a linen type fabric as canvas for the stitching...
  3. PC [Help] Lost my sewing machine with an accidental bomb

    Hello, explain the issue: So, I was in my shed the other day, and accidentally dropped a bomb near my work area, which included my sewing machine. I groaned at the time, but didn't really sweat it too much since I figured everything could be replaced. However, today, I realized I don't know of...
  4. PC BUG Prismatic Rock Candy Can't Be Used In Sewing Machine

    I'm in vanilla SV on PC and I tried to use the prismatic rock candy in the sewing machine at Emily's house and the one . You can't select it. The level of my disappointment is over nine thousand. Rip prismatic dot shirt. Edit: I can't sell it either. Might be helpful to include this is the one...
  5. Chililover

    More use for emilys sewing machine!

    So my idea is pretty straight forward! With the use of Emily's sewing machine and some cloth etc. You can sew pockets on your backpack. They would be for certain tools and stuff, cloth plus wood would hold you axe, cloth plus stone would hold your pick and so on! Also there could be a recipe...