
  1. Windows Game crash for host

    Message: No user info retrieved for user 56571288357613087 InnerException: Stack Trace: at Galaxy.Api.IFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(GalaxyID userID) at StardewValley.Network.GameServer.getUserName(Int64 farmerId) in...
  2. please make region servers specially for multiplayer! (ex. asia, europe, etc.)

    i love playing stardew valley but it would be so nice if you added region servers (e.g. asia, europe) for multiplayer! i have such a rough time playing with my boyfriend in his world because i keep on disconnecting & lagging, we live in different countries, (malaysia & philippines), we even had...
  3. PC Multiplayer CO-OP doesn't work. (Didn't work for 4-5 days already....)

    So, I've already posted this thread once, but I really wanted to remind the admins about this because it is ruining the experience. :( As I had this problem for a while now, I wanted to say that the bug recommendation does not help. Also, it seems like when my friend can see the invite code when...