
  1. Windows [BUG] Window moves down by itself.

    I have two monitors, a 1080p one at 125% scaling and a 768p at 100%. The 768p display is set as the main monitor. Running the game on the 768p monitor has no issues. However, running the game on windowed mode on the 1080p monitor has the window move down as if it had gravity. Out of curiosity...
  2. Windows [HELP] Scaling Issue

    I have a 1920x1080 screen on my laptop. For some time, when I set the window mode to fullscreen, I couldn't see the whole game. I tried deleting startup_preferences but it didn't work. However, a few minutes ago, I discovered that it has something to do with scale settings in Windows 10 (I had...
  3. dogboydog

    PS4 BUG - UI scaling sends fishing bar off screen

    Hi, Super excited to play 1.5. It's been awesome in the few hours I have been playing. I immediately turned up UI scaling because I have difficulty reading the quantity text of items and some of the other text. Overall it's awesome, but it seems to break some UIs. One example is the fishing...
  4. AaronCompNetSys

    Integer scaling on High-DPI displays (zoom+pixelization)

    I am a big fan of pixel art, and I play my emulators with "integer scaling" instead of bilinear or other aliasing upscaling. I would prefer to enjoy the pixel art as the creator intended. For reference, I play Stardew in split-screen with my wife on our 4K TV, we pull the couch up and each set...