save file error

  1. fpsDangle

    Android PC Save file not showing up on Android after transfer

    I followed the steps on the wiki to transfer my unmodded PC Save to my S24 with it plugged into my PC. But when I launch the game on my phone the Save File doesn't show up. Is anyone else having this issue? I know you couldn't transfer PC to android before 1.6 on Android but I thought it would...
  2. iOS Unable to save the game progress on IOS

    I played on IOS and already update the game to 1.6 this morning, but just now I can’t save my game. I tried to swap to previous save and then try to save it again but still failed. Pls help .. I dont want to repeat my account again, I’ve come so far😭
  3. Saweq

    iOS Can't find my pc save file after transfering on ios...

    I've tried transfering my pc stardew valley save file that I have played for a long time on my iphone, however after I transfered it on my phone stardew saves the game doesn't find the file at all. I don't know what to do. Is the save corrupted?
  4. save file not loading but is shown in load save screen?

    everytime i try opening the save file it sends me straight back to the loading screen. i tried rolling back a day but since ive done it before i dont have an _old file and i don't have any backups. let me know if i should just let go of this save file. heres my log
  5. Windows Save File (multiplayer) Not Appearing in Game

    Im the host of the game and just today when i run the game the character save file is gone in the Co-op and even load, last time we played that file was a day or two ago, and i didn't do anything out of the ordinary with the files too. I tried looking for my save file and its there, it just dont...
  6. Ovis

    Windows Game kicking me out when i'm trying to load 😢

    Hi, recently I downloaded Stardew Valley and have been enjoying playing the game for a while, but one day when I tried to load the save file I kept on getting kicked out by the game every time. I've tried many ways the internet has provided but none of them seem to work so I was wondering if...