
  1. Android [HELP] How to use Backup Saves?

    I left my game running overnight on accident but I cant seem to find out how I can use a Backup save or Emergency save so, Please help!
  2. Android [HELP] (Chromebook) How do you active a backup save?

    Im on a chromebook and i made a backup save earlier today thinking i fall asleep midgame and miss some days which did end up happening, but now im wondering... how do i use that backup save? the pause menu has 3 buttons return to title screen, return to previous save, and backup save then settings.
  3. PC [HELP] No files are saved in the save-backups folder

    I am playing on a PC, using STEAM. Actually, no issues while playing the game. When I end the day, I get a 'saving...' message, and then 'Your progress has been saved'. When I restart the game, I continue where I left off. I only noticed that there is no file saved in the save-backups folder...