sam's boombox

  1. Windows I got a duplicate of Sam's Boombox by accident?

    Hello, i recently went through the 4 cutscenes of Sam's 14 heart event and somehow i got 2 of Sam's Boombox. After i got the 3rd cutscene i logged off without saving and played the cutscene again the next time i came on. After that i suddenly had Sam's Boombox in my inventory. As it was my...
  2. Windows [BUG] Spoiler! Sam's 14 Heart Event

    I just did my 14 heart cut scene with Sam which gives you his Boombox afterwards. I had to restart the day because my music was turned off in settings and I thought I was missing out on him playing his guitar (turns out it doesn't actually play anything) but after restarting the day and doing...