
  1. I neeed some help

    So i have 8 hearts with sam and sebastian, so then i started dating sebastian, but now im getting second thoughts abt sam, i need help, if i break up with seb can i start dating him later if i regret it?, can i date 2 people at a time?, shoukd i break up with seb? I seriouisly need help with...
  2. ..?

    Loved Gifts

    Did anyone else know Sam loves Pepper poppers? I was playing stardew valley and my indecisive self couldn't choose between Sam or Alex. I chose Sam since I already married Alex on one file. I randomly went to go give Sam pepper poppers I found in the trashcan since I was saving for summer. I...
  3. Switch [BUG] Sam’s boombox

    I got Sam’s boombox but it won’t play music when interacted with. Does anyone know how to fix this?