quest bug

  1. Switch Qi's Challenge quest completed without meeting requirement

    I went into skull cavern for the first time and got the letter challenging me to reach floor 25. The next day, I got the followup letter in the mail congratulating me on completing the quest even though I'd only gone to floor 7! I'm not exactly complaining about the free 10,000g, but obviously...
  2. Switch Biome Balance Location Change

    I just accepted the Biome Balance Quest from the large notice board with described overpopulation in the ocean, however, when I then looked at the journal it says that the quest is for lake fish instead. This is in single-player on the Switch
  3. Windows deleted farmhands keeping quests open bug - Specific Qi Quests are Active, but they're not

    1.6.15 Windows 10 Solo and multiplayer On my year 15 farm, I haven't had a mining related Qi quest in years, and I've been frequently checking in the Walnut Room. Here's a forum where other players are also experiencing this problem...
  4. Windows Delivery quest fulfilled during heart events

    While delivering wood to Robin (having had the requisite materials in inventory already), I triggered a Heart event with Sebastian in the basement. The delivery was immediately marked successful, but no materials were removed from the inventory. This is Vanilla in the latest Steam version as of...
  5. Windows Quest is not showing up

    I accidentaly skipped the cutscene for Dark Talisman, now the quest is not showing up for me. Do you know what I can do to fix this? I already went back to the place where the cutscene shows up but it didnt help.
  6. Asger

    iOS Skull Cavern Invasion not showing up

    I can’t get the quest! I’ve been trying for years (in game) Could it be a bug? Is there some sort of thing you need to do first? Please help. Thanks!
  7. 1.6 Update What the heck? (Bug or Secret?)

    Playing unmodded & on android. Currently working on the qi bean challenge. In day 18 of Spring, I walked into town at 9pm from the SW entrance and as soon as I entered I got a weird waterfall-like flow of 1000-some-odd sap and 136 qi beans... It looked like a bug but I dunno. Anyone know what...
  8. Windows Game Thinks Specific Qi Quests are Active, but they're not

    1.6.15 Windows 10 Solo and multiplayer On my year 15 farm, I haven't had a mining related Qi quest in years, and I've been frequently checking in the Walnut Room. Here's a forum where other players are also experiencing this problem...
  9. Windows Pierre's Prime Produce quest not registering harvested gold crops if you plant immediately after harvesting

    OS: Windows 10 Pro version 22H2 Language: English Single Player Game: PC version 1.6.15 (latest) Input: USB Xbox 360 controller During the quest Pierre's Prime Produce quest if you harvest crops while holding a seed to plant immediately after harvesting (in my case melons) it does not register...
  10. Switch Quests disappearing from journal with no reward after completion

    Hi everyone, Every time I complete a quest, I get a pop up notification that my journal has been updated, but when I go to my journal to collect the reward, it’s not there. It happened after creating a furnace and going to meet the wizard for the first time. I’ve seen many a like situation...
  11. iOS "Build a Coop" Mission Disappeared

    Hi, its my first ever time playing Stardew Valley and I started about a month or two ago. About 2 days after I got the "build a coop" quest, the text disappeared from the box but the box stayed. I have just finally gotten around to building a coop, thinking maybe the game would register, but it...
  12. iOS Cannot complete the quest, Qi's Prismatic Grange

    Hello. Hope somebody could take a look at this issue. Thank you in advance! Cannot complete the quest, Qi's Prismatic Grange iPhone 13 Pro Max - iOS 18.1 English Single Player build 24321 Delivered all items to Qi’s bin. Followed SV Wiki as guide for which items are acceptable as well.
  13. Switch Raccoon shop

    I have gotten the store expanded but only the seeds show available to trade for, nothing else. I've gotten to wife and now 4 children to help with what items I should have available.
  14. Windows Coop (building) Quest Blank Bug

    I'm unsure if this has been reported before. When I opened a save file yesterday (probably in version 1.6.10, i had just updated the game) I noticed that the "Raising Animals" (Build a Coop) quest is completely blank outside of the triangle marker that should point to the next step. I am...
  15. Switch Quest bug

    I was trying to give Jodi her cauliflower. It just acted like a regular gift instead of the quest fulfillment. I tried to give her a second one to see if that changed anything and the text box letting you know you've already given the NPC 2 gifts for the week popped up instead. Not worried too...
  16. Windows Quest Disappeared

    Hello, My quest disappeared after I close the game with alt+f4. No error logs. Single-player on windows 11. I'm on latest version and without mods. Attached the save file and screenshots.
  17. Rawrzimon

    Windows War Memento Glitch

    Same old story I think had been posted here a few times - My inventory was full whenever I was supposed to receive the item. I had read that it might appear in other chests and didn't think much into it so it's been a few days in the game. It is nowhere. I tried the [864] chicken to summon the...
  18. Windows Racoon Neighbors Quest Item

    Not sure if this is truly a bug but wanted to mention it in case others had the same experience Went to racoons and they requested dried chanterelles and white algae. I happened to have dried common mushrooms in my inventory and I noticed it wasn't greyed out like it normally would be if you...
  19. Switch Birdie Quest Item Lost

    I didn’t take the quest item off Birdie when speaking to her and now I can’t start the quest/talk to her again. is there a way around this?
  20. Prrsha

    Windows Version 1.6.3 bug question

    I didn’t see the bug about quests on the bulletin board asking for items out of season being fixed? Has this been addressed or is it an open case still? I’m just wondering as I am waiting to start a new game but don’t want have to restart a play through with this bug active still. P.S. I am...