
  1. Switch Dark Talisman Quest Help

    So I got the dark talisman, and I tried to go in the railroad tunnel, but it still won’t let me place it. Can anyone help?
  2. Solved Pierre's prime produce

    Okay, I know it's not that big of a deal, but I had an issue when trying to do the Pierre's Prime Produce quest. I filled the box with 25 gold veggies I already had and then tried to grow 25 gold to meet both sides of the quest. I didn't grow all 25 and failed the quest, but I couldn't get the...
  3. iOS [HELP] Gus quests - gifts, not quest items

    When attempting to give Gus the lobster or albacore for his quests, it is recognizing them as gifts, not quest items. I gave him a gift, then tried to complete the quests, but the game said you’ve already given Gus a gift today. Next day, gave a gift and tried again, game said you’ve already...
  4. Switch [HELP] No rat problem

    I just started a new game on the Nintendo Switch version of Stardew Valley, and I got the cutscene where Lewis first shows the community center, but didn’t get the “Rat Problem” quest. What should I do?