polyamory sweet

  1. NotTodayLoser

    Issue Museum Donation Mouse Issue

    So I've downloaded Stardew Valley Expanded (Grandpa's Farm and Frontier Farm), PolySweet, and all their dependencies. I tried donating an Ancient Doll to the museum, and I can open the donation inventory, but my mouse starts rubber-banding back to the same place, which means I can't select...
  2. Issue Can't open Lantana's shop on pc :(

    I just downloaded the polyamorysweet mod and everything else seems to work but i can't open the shop to buy the romance items. is there anything i can do? ive tried deleting other mods i have and dont use but it didnt work. some help would be greatly appreciated!!
  3. Issue help!! Polyamory sweet and free love mod not going to the next day

    I had trouble divorcing in free love mod so I installed the Polyamory sweet to divorce everyone It worked a couple of times but now every time try to divorce and sleep the game won't move on to the next day and just give me a black screen with the background noises smapi will just repeat this...