
  1. Switch Can’t Plant Trees Without Using Mouse Pointer

    Platform: Switch Version: Game Day/Year (unsure if this matters, but including anyway): Spring 18, Year 1 (has been happening since Day 1) Problem: I started a new game for the 1.6 update and have found that I’m unable to plant regular trees (acorns, pinecones, maple seeds, or mahogany...
  2. Android Mobile Bug - Item Interaction and Actions Not Working

    Basically there is an issue with actions that got a lot worse recently. On mobile, you tap the screen to interact with items. When you do so, the tile glows briefly. Since the 1.5 update there are certain times interaction does not work. Specifically, kegs at the very bottom row of sheds and...
  3. PC [BUG] Cannot plant Fruit Trees on grass borders.

    As you can see, it says I can't plant a tree sapling here despite the fact that a normal tree can grow there perfectly fine, and despite the fact fruit trees can grow on either farmland or grass just fine. This also happens on borders between different types of grass. Not sure if this is a bug...
  4. iridium quality

    Mixed Seeds?

    Hey guys! I've been playing Stardew Valley for a while now and have been seeing some posts about mixed seeds. They are extremely confusing to me, so can someone explain? I think when you plant them they produce foragables for that season, but I've seen posts saying that they can grow to be...
  5. redbobcat

    Tip: First day of a season planting made easier

    This is what I do to make planting on a first day of a season easier. Note, I do use sprinkles, as soon as I can make at least the quality ones. Preparation. Every season, except Fall, I gather foraging items and make seasonal Wild Seeds. I also always keep any Mixed Seeds I get. Pre-planting...