
  1. Android Save issue

    Phone. Galaxy Note 9 Details. I transferred save game to my new phone wich is Galaxy S23 , when I entered the game on my new phone it show the older save file wich is in year 1 and I end up in year 2 in my old phone
  2. licherlay

    Jojamart Phone

    When I use my telephone I look at peoples stock a bunch and I like to purchase new wallpaper as I am still building my farm and decorating my house. The Jojamart does not have a phone number at that is a real shame because I have to walk all the way over there just to see the flooring and...
  3. licherlay

    Merchant phone

    It would be cool if we could call the merchant on the phone thingy so we can see her stock and when they will be arriving next and if they are even there idk
  4. PC [HELP] Cant host a game

    Hello, i have an issue since last week. Since the 19 july, i cant host game anymore (old or new) on my computer . All the people that want to join cant. Just before that, everything was working fine. I have tried everything that was advised but nothing seems to work. One more thing to know is...
  5. lazyroll

    Cell Phone - NPC Location

    We should have a purchasable/craftable inventory item like a cell phone that would reveal an NPC location for that day after calling them (should have x amount of hearts with an NPC in order to receive their number). This feature would make it easier to find specific NPC's for HELP Wanted quests...
  6. starman

    PC [BUG] Game crashes when answering the phone call (PT-BR)

    I'm playing on PC, on Brazilian Portuguese. The telephone rang in the morning and the game crashed right when I answered it. I reloaded my save multiples times and it always happened. I switched the language to English and I could answer it normally. It was a call from Lewis congratulating my...
  7. Mobile multiplayer

    Guys are you going to add a multiplayer option for the phone game or that will be only for pc ?
  8. Mobile [HELP] Android device compatibility

    Hello, I was hoping to buy this on the play store only to find out that my device is apparently not compatible with this game... I have a Sony Xperia 1 which is one of Sony's latest phones so in terms of specs it should be way above the games requirements, why is it not compatible with this...