no rain

  1. Xbox No rain in Fall

    I have just completed my first Fall season and I didn’t have a single rainy day. I can’t make a rain totem yet, so I have been unable to catch a Walleye and complete the fish tank bundle, or buy a mermaid pendant to get married (I know I can do this in a different season). I have been playing on...
  2. Switch No Rain in Spring or Fall after new 1.6 update

    I recently started a new game after updating my switch version to 1.6, and now I have the strangest bug where it doesn't rain at all in Spring or Fall, except for Spring 3 and thunderstorms. I really wanted to try and complete the Community Center in Year 1, but that's almost impossible to do...
  3. RubyHobbit

    Rain, rain went away,

    I created a new game after trying out the new farm, (wasn't the biggest fan of it but it's still really nice im just like the forest farm better) and it has not rained since day 3 of spring. I'm in Summer now and I checked the weather again only for it to still be sunny.......... Whomever told...
  4. Xbox No rain

    After the update, I have played through a whole year of the game and have had no rain other than the 3rd day of spring. I do not know how to fix this issue.
  5. Switch Switch new game 1.6 no rain in Spring + Fall bug

    Switch new game 1.6 no rain bug: Seems there is a bug where is no rain except for scripted days (Spring 3rd and Summer 13/26). However thunderstorms still appear to trigger normally, so you can get plenty of rain/thunder during summer. But still no normal RNG rain in the spring and fall. (So...
  6. Xbox No rain

    Am I just unlikely? It only seems to rain on scripted event's for me. I am using the series X so I thought; I'll just use the switch so I can lay in bed and play. Both save files I am having no rain. A friend of mine who is also playing on the series X had messaged me and it's happening to...
  7. Bumbleebee95

    Switch Drought. Possible bug?

    I started a new medowlands farm on the switch I'm currently on day 18 of summer year one and have only had one non-scripted rainy day so far. I selected the remixed bundles and first year completeable community center. The one day of rain I had was a storm the day before the green rain event...