
  1. PC Making a dream a reality

    When this game first released I put many many hours into it however I haven't played in years (so i haven't experienced the update either). When I was actively playing I always wished there was a multiplayer mode and now THERE IS! It's been so long I may as well be a new player and I don't take...
  2. Need Help with Stardew Valley Multiplayer Connection.

    Hey everyone, I just recently found out that Stardew Valley got a multiplayer feature. I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I've been waiting for this for so long and I'm really excited! I want to play with my girlfriend, but the problem is we're in different countries. I'm not very...
  3. iOS LAN Multiplayer not working

    Hello! So the past couple of days, me and my girlfriend have been playing multiplayer on our iPads. She was having some issues so she had to delete and redownload Stardew. Ever since she did that, we can’t connect to each other. We have both allowed access but to no avail. I have also tried...
  4. i<3yeshua

    PC Open to play!

    Hey Guys! I'm looking to get back into stardew valley, ever since starting Uni I just haven't had the time to, but I'm about to hit spring break and so I'm going to have a lot of extra time on my hands! Let me know!
  5. Windows Full House Achievement not unlocking

    my gf and I play on our world, its her physical save, but we both have been getting all the other achievements together naturally. With the "Full House" achievement we are married with 2 kids and fully built home, but only she got the achievement and I did not. Any way to fix this or figure it out?
  6. Windows Issue with the statue of the dwarf king

    I’ve been playing multiplayer on pc. The other person achieved mastery in mining before I did and made the statue of the dwarf king, when I clicked it it said I didn’t yet have the knowledge to use it, which I assumed would be resolved once I got mastery in mining. However, even after achieving...
  7. DragoReborn7

    Linux Stuck on "Connecting to online services" screen when trying to play co-op

    Arch (Garuda Linux on the Zen Kernal) v1.6.15 build 24356 When trying to play multiplayer, I cannot get past this connecting to online services screen. I have already tried: Restarting my pc and steam Using a different network Uninstalling and reinstalling Stardew Running steam in both runtime...
  8. Multiple farms in multiplayer

    Basically you can have 8 maps on 1 game, you leave your Farm and then re-enter the farm and you can select who's farm you can visit rather then over crowding one singular farm!
  9. Android Friend's Character Stuck and Unable to Move

    While playing together with my friend, my friend's character occasionally gets stuck and is unable to move. This issue can only be fixed by exiting and re-entering the game. It disrupts the gameplay, especially during activities or while adventuring.
  10. Linux Galaxy API not loading with glibc 2.41

    Description: The Galaxy API is failing to load after a recent update from glibc 2.40 to 2.41. Downgrading the C Library fixes the issue, proving it is the recent version that broke the Galaxy API. The failure to load the API causes the inability to communicate with the Steam APIs causing the...
  11. Mac Game Crashes while going into Lewis’ house?

    Forgive me if I don’t do this quite right, as I’m not quite sure how this works, but: Problem: Every time I enter Mayor Lewis’ house, my game crashes. It will continue to crash when I reboot the game until I reset my laptop. We were in summer, and it seems to have not repeated in fall, but...
  12. Windows Invitation Code isn't generating

    I've been trying to play with a friend of mine for around half an hour now, but we found a problem that both of us have. You see, we were trying to play through the Invitation Code method, and unlike most people, I am getting both the "Invite Friends" and "Invitation Code" buttons, but the catch...
  13. Switch Forge access glitch

    I’m playing 2-player split-screen co-op on the Switch, and just got access to Ginger Island. My farmhand 2nd player entered the volcano first, and I immediately followed. I went straight over to the locked door on the right, and clicked around to see if there were any messages. While I was...
  14. Switch Multiplayer freezes the mines and crashes my game.

    Whenever I play co-op with my partner it seems the game can’t handle it. After playing for ~30 minutes I start to find floors like these in the mines. Everything is frozen so when you break anything it just floats and doesn’t go to the inventory. This even happens on treasure room floors so the...
  15. Yogurt_The_Cow

    Multiplayer on mobile?

    an you do multiplayer on mobile
  16. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Volcano split screen multiplayer bug

    When I play multiplayer, if I (host) don’t enter the next floor of the volcano first, it’s completely glitched. There’s no monsters, no drops, no rocks, and even no lava. I’m on Xbox series x if that helps
  17. Switch Switch Multiplayer Most Recent Patch

    Hello, I am playing online multiplayer on the most recent Switch version (1.6.40). Myself and the host are now randomly and repeatedly having the server disconnect saying "connection issues" from a Switch popup. It seems to happen after extreme lag from one of us leaving a screen. It primarily...
  18. Crossplatform Multiplayer (Mac) - (PS5)

    Hi completely new here , my partner plays this game to no end and I want to surprise her by being able to play with them , unfortunately I do not have the same platform as them (Mac) , I have a PS5 I was wondering if I am able to play with them on the multiplayer , or do I need to purchase...
  19. DespairScent

    Windows [BUG] Squidfest objects remains on beach for co-op players on the 14th Winter

    Steps to reproduce: Load co-op save on 13th Winter and let the second player join (via LAN or Invite Code) The second player must visit the beach and see the Squidfest objects (booth, sign). Now both players can go to bed and skip the day. It's 14th now, the second player must visit the beach...
  20. Windows Multiplayer bugs

    I’ve been experiencing multiple bugs while playing on multiple friends multiplayer farms. The game constantly seems to freeze and go to a black screen when moving from one mining level to another. Time will sometime freeze randomly and I’m forced to close the game out, even though my others...