
  1. Mac Bug in multiplayer

    Hi! My friend and I were trying to do a co-op game, and all four times after I tried to put in her invite code, it completely shut down the game after I clicked ok. I did wait and it never came back up, and I rebooted between tries. I have the crash report, if I should send it somewhere? It's...
  2. Xbox Item duplication glitch

    In multiplayer if to players stand across from each other and one places I item on the table and they both pick it up at the same time they both get the item
  3. MwofDethe

    Xbox (Xbox) Weapon skill bug In Splitscreen multiplayer

    During splitscreen multiplayer when one player uses a weapon skill it puts all the other player's weapon skills on cooldown. I'm unaware if this can be fixed or not. Thanks
  4. Switch Mines, Skull Cave and Lava Cavern crashes on local Co-Op

    I've seen a few threads that cover parts of this but just thought I'd put down my experiences here for posterity sake. Like a lot of people I experience crashing through out the day, usually at the end of the day after around 3 nights but if we restart the game after around 3 days it seems to...
  5. Xbox Online Multiplayer Cannot Play Character

    I am trying to join my brother's online co op I have played with him before. The character I created and played with now says character belongs to another player. I tried restarting the game, the xbox, checked my internet. I don't know why I cannot play my character. I don't want to start over...
  6. Windows Stacks of items in my chest are being set to 1

    I started a new co-op run with my friend, and around day 6 we first noticed this, where he had distinctly put 2 copper bars in the chest, but when i opened later, there was only 1. then on day 10, he opened the chest, and we noticed our couple hundred wood had been reduced down to 1.
  7. Switch Advanced crafting and fridge inventory not working.

    My workbench and my fridge will not tell me how many of each ingredient I have. The fridge just shows red zeros for all items whether they are in the fridge or not. Also my work bench will not tell me how many items I can craft with the supplies on hand.
  8. Windows Multiplayer Money Bug!

    I play with my girlfriend in a world with shared money. The problem arose when she bought 5 Iridium bars at the market that sets up between the Secret Woods and Marnie's ranch. She had the money deducted, but I did not, as I was mining in Quarry. From that moment, the money was split. We are...
  9. Jochu

    1.6 Update Multiplayer iOS?

    Buenas Recientemente estoy interesado a volver a jugar Stardew Valley porque vi un directo de Vegetta777, pero me gustaría hacerlo con un amig@, vi que al crear una nueva partida se puede seleccionar el mapa de “cuatro esquinas” que es perfecto para jugar con amigos, aunque ahora viene mi duda...
  10. Windows Change profile from one account to other

    Hello, I have a huge problem. My friend created a farm, and I joined it. However, my account got stolen, so I no longer have access to the farm or the profile I created for it. I bought Stardew Valley on a new account and joined my friend’s farm, but when I try to access my original profile with...
  11. PlayStation Newest update multiplayer

    Hey I currently play ps4 version on ps5 having a problem with linking with friends from what I see it's not just my friend group but friends of friends too any known bug for this or is it just me?
  12. Switch Players unable to join online co-op

    Having issue in the newest update for Switch(1.6.9) where other players are unable to view a farm to join in online co-op. This is a farm that has been used for two years game time with the same players who are attempting to play now. Yesterday(11/12), after host opened farm it was not showing...
  13. Switch Game Crash when using Bombs, Multiplayer

    Game version: 1.6 Console: Nintendo Switch Game mode: Multiplayer Language: German Me and a friend found a issue while playing together (My friend is host) Whenever i use/place a bomb onto the map, my friend/Host game crashes immediately before the bomb can even explode My friend tried as...
  14. PlayStation Mine reward chest bug

    Very repeatable and exploitable bug. When main player is outside the same mine level of the reward and another player accesses the chest (at least for slingshot, master slingshot, and tundra boots), the reward would go to the main player at least half the time. If the reward did go to the main...
  15. Switch Multiplayer cherry bomb and gus bug

    explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); in multiplayer mode, when one player placed down a cherry bomb (tried in caves and on farm), the game for the other player crashed. We both tried it and during both times, the player that did not use the bomb...
  16. Switch Pausing in multiplayer

    Our game online or co-op multiplayer does not pause game when two cut scenes are going at once or in the inventory menu. Don’t know if that is because we are playing the game on separate switches?
  17. Switch Sword cooldown bug

    Version When playing split screen coop, the cooldown animation on the sword icon (the red bar going down) shows for both players if one player uses the special attack. Only tried this with sword so far. Appears to be visual bug as does not stop either player from using special.
  18. Switch Cherry bomb crash

    Version When placing a cherry bomb, the game crashes saying an unexpected error has occurred. First happened in the mines but am successfully able to replicate this bug anywhere in town or on farm. Playing split screen multiplayer, have only tried with the second player (i.e. not the...
  19. hoxhi

    PC How to get a friends save

    My friends and I decided to take a break from playing together, but one of my friends wants to save his character, and since I'm the host, when I export the save, it will be my character. So I'm wondering if there's a way to keep my friend's save so that he can continue playing with his character.
  20. Windows Weird multiplayer problem: invite code system stops working

    Hello! I played Stardew Valley for 600 hours without any problems and suddenly a couple weeks ago I encountered an error joining a multiplayer game and an error creating a multiplayer game. When joining via code, I immediately get the message "Connection Filed". When creating a game, I get the...