minor bug

  1. iOS No Longer Able to Reach Kegs in Shed Corners

    Hi! This is more of a minor issue, but wanted to raise it to see if others have this issue. From what I’ve seen on the internet/Reddit/Stardew Wiki, having issues with reaching corner spots in sheds is a “known” issue for mobile, however, when I was playing under version 1.5, I never actually...
  2. Mac 1.6.13 - Hill top farmhouse got 2 fireplaces?

    I started a new farm on the Hill-top farm and noticed how the fireplace changed colors sometimes when I walked or turned it on I planned on reporting that but later on I tried to turn it on and accidentally grabbed it and it gave me the 2 of them (Game is on spanish I dont really think it...
  3. Windows Leah pathing issue in Summer

    Not game breaking or anything, but I've noticed that during the summer when Leah tries to go to the beach (with the bridge to the tide pools repaired), she stops in the middle of the entry point to the beach. I don't know that this would make a difference, but my specs are: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9...
  4. Solved Clint sprite bug in friendship menu [Windows]

    A little, silly, but Clint's sprite in my friendship menu goes kinda crazy sometimes. It rotates between two of him walking, a glitched out hammering animation, and a forging animation. Closing and re-opening the menu does not solve it. It is normal some of the time, but this has happened on...
  5. Windows The game ships with extraneous libSDL files

    In the Steam version of the game (the only I have available) for Windows, the game files contains libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib and libSDL2-2.0.so.0 in the game directory (same level as Stardew Valley.exe). These are the macOS and Linux versions of libSDL respectively. They are irrelevant for the Windows...
  6. LD_Anvil

    Windows Minor bug about mermaid show

    If switch to another window when the show starts, the show will still go on, but time will not flow.
  7. Windows Small bug relating to Lewis.

    There is a bug where if you were to bring his Shorts for the "Mayor's Shorts" quest and also have the Truffle Oil for the "Mayor's Need" Quest, if you try to complete the "Mayor's Need? quest first, the dialogue for the "Mayor's Shorts" comes up. Both the Shorts and the Truffle Oil get consumed...
  8. margotbean

    Windows [BUG] Found artifact dialog at Feast of Winter Star

    Super minor bug Jas gave me an Ancient Doll at the Feast of the Winter Star, and after the normal dialog, the message "You've found an artifact. The curator of the local museum might be interested in this." came up. The problem is, it's game year 2, and I've donated all but 2 artifacts to the...
  9. verndusk

    Windows [BUG] Clipping of ground layer over trees near cave

    As seen above, there's some ground layer poking up above the trees, not game breaking or anything - just thought I'd share, in fact, I didn't really notice it until I was sitting AFK. I'm on Y2 Autumn, doesn't fix itself when I enter in and out of the farm area. Figure it's just a layer issue...
  10. PC [Minor Bug] Showed different item when picking up your first Geode

    Latest Steam Version: Stardew Valley 1.5 App ID: 413150 Build ID: 6971863 Normal: When you pick up a Geode through mining for the first time, your character lifts it and shows it to the player, telling us to send it to Clint for breaking. What happened: I was in the mines, and was low on...
  11. PC [BUG] Fairy Event Bug

    Small bug, it doesn't ruin the game. I was playing 2 player co-op with my buddy, and we got the fairy event. It was fall and we had a pumpkin patch, and apparently she went to 2 different pumpkins on each of our screens (online btw). I was the host and the standard 5x5 grid of pumpkins instantly...
  12. margotbean

    PC [BUG] Caroline sleeps standing up at island resort

    Very minor bug, Caroline's dialog at the resort says "Caroline is trying to nap" when she's standing in front of a chair outside the changing room. She even turns to face the player when clicked on.
  13. margotbean

    PC [BUG] Fiber Seeds are blue on Ginger Island in Winter

    1.5 Singleplayer Fiber Seeds are blue on Ginger Island in Winter. Not a huge bug, but they should probably take on the Summer appearance on the island. Thanks! Edit: The same is true for Fall, Fiber Seeds have the Fall appearance on Ginger Island. This also affects Seasonal...
  14. PC I just got a sunfish while fishing in the ocean

    this happened once and on the second day of the first year, so you can ignore its existence but I thought this might be funny :)
  15. Switch [BUG] Mayor Lewis doesn't show up in his house at night

    Hi everyone. A recent issue I've been having is Mayor Lewis not following his schedule. I'm on Year 3 and this has happened twice in an in-game month. The first time was Fall 6th, and eventually glitched through his wall in-between the divorce book and the cabinet at 10:40pm. The second time was...
  16. margotbean

    PC [BUG] Leah forgets we're divorced while painting

    Very small bug -- after divorcing Leah she gives the normal "I came for the sound of the ocean." dialog while painting at the beach instead of saying "I've realized I'm happier by myself. So just leave me be." In this case, I had repaired the bridge to the tidal pools, so she was painting...
  17. margotbean

    PC [BUG] Gate color lost on exiting to title/desktop

    When you replace a piece of fencing with a gate, the gate changes color (at least with iron and hardwood fencing), to match the fence. Unfortunately, the matching color is lost when exiting the game (even just exiting to title), and reverts to the original dark brown gate color. Happens with...
  18. margotbean

    PC Auto-Grabber description not updated

    In all languages other than English, the description of the auto-grabber still reads "works on cows, sheep, and goats" and hasn't been updated to read "Must be placed inside a coop or barn."