
  1. Xbox Co-op mines freeze

    Is anyone else having a problem with split screen in the mines. Almost everytime i go there it freezes ( can mine rocks but can not pick anything up). It isn't game breaking as i can just leave the mine and re-enter, but it is annoying loosing progress in the skull mines.
  2. PlayStation Mine levels freezing and crashing

    I'm on PS4 playing local co-op. Sometimes while on mine levels, any action done like breaking a rock, swinging a tool, or eating will freeze the debris to the screen. Nothing can be interacted with other than the ladder when you find it. It's a problem I can play through, I just wanted to bring...
  3. Switch 1.6 Visual Bug in Mines

    -most recent switch patch -english -not game breaking just looks off Don’t mind the skeletons but there’s a bunch of squares under the barrels in new mines layout, def not intentional I think
  4. Xbox Glitch in mines local Co-op

    When playing in split screen co-op there is a weird glitch where the whole floor on in the mines won't let you pick anything up, and the animations freeze. Leaving the mines or going to the next floor fixes the issue.
  5. sugoi

    Windows Floor 86 of mines during challenge is sometimes not passable

    It happened to me twice that during Qi's challenge of reaching level 120 in the mines with a higher difficulty, level 86 (a monster-ridden level, at least for me, always) sometimes does not give a ladder. If I'm correct, there was the sound of a bat screeching, which I assume might have been the...
  6. Switch Switch - Prehistoric Scapula Glitch 1.5

    Hi, Very frustrated at this point. I have the prehistoric scapula glitch with the Switch. I can't find it. I have tried everything in the wiki such as: Digging up an Artifact Spot in Cindersap Forest or Pelican Town. - Even went to the train station/spa area. Mining Bone Nodes on the Ginger...