mine bug

  1. PlayStation Volcano dungeon glitch/ crash

    Hi everyone, me and my wife play split screen on ps4 and now ps5, we are around 600 hours in and never had any problems. The trouble started after the 1.6 update. Other than the strange glitch in the mine and skull mine were the floor freezes and nothing moves and can not be collected, our main...
  2. PlayStation Volcano Glitch

    Hey, I’m playing a local co-op (2 player) game on PS5, and we are currently in fall of year 2. We finally finished the community center and boat to ginger island, but there’s one issue. All the floors of the volcano is the first, which wouldn’t be an issue if I could pass the dwarf floor, but...
  3. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Crashing, Mine Bug, and Achievement Issue

    The game crashes randomly a lot but especially when I play splitscreen multiplayer. There’s this bug in the mines (all) that makes your weapons leave the animation swoosh and all the drops are frozen in place and inaccessible to both players (this happens when I play single player too though)...
  4. Staryf

    Switch Split Screen Issue - monsters and Rocks Freeze

    I’m on the latest update. When playing in split-screen mode, if the main player goes into a mine, sometimes all monsters and rocks freeze and stop functioning properly.
  5. Switch Mining glitches (can't pick up items) in local multiplayer (Split Screen) - version 1.6.9 build 40

    Hello! Unfortunately, an issue that has occurred since the big update has continued after the latest patch. I have opened this thread to report it and have described the issues below. There may be some other issues as well that I have not experienced/caught as I am still relatively early game...
  6. Switch Ginger Island Volcano Glitch

    Playing local multiplayer on switch After downloading update 1.6.9, we’re having an issue with the Volcano Dungeon. If the secondary player enters the volcano with the primary player entering first, there’s an issue with the dungeon each room looks exactly as the first room, no enemies or mine...
  7. Windows Weird mine floors

    So I was just mining when really weird and broken floors started appearing. It started on floor 38 witch should've been a dark (30-40) floor but it was like floor 20-30. The next floor (39) was from the skull caverns Both floors spawned normal floor 30-40 enemies I have attached my save file...
  8. Switch 2 bugs making game unplayable

    Wife and I play split screen on Switch. 1st bug which I've already read about is the mines glitching out (monsters frozen and objects stuck on screen). 2nd one we keep hitting is the game is crashing right when we go to bed and save, erasing that days progress. This happens randomly... Are...
  9. Switch Day keeps crashing and other issues

    My partner and I have been looking forward to the update but it been difficult to play when we get past halfway through the day and it just crashes on us. Just now it was 10pm and it crashed ! Another issue is in the mines we get to some levels and we can break rocks but not collect any ore or...
  10. Switch bugs & a Q

    bugs: 1. having issues with items randomly disappearing 2. unable to access the mountain mine, it’s just a black screen with my character on it 3. the crow will not spawn when I lose a rare item Q: am I gonna have to restart my relationships to get the special items (ex: My First Portrait...
  11. PlayStation Glitches in mines and volcano dungeon

    I don't know if it's only on single player, I always play local coop. 1. The village mine and skull cave have a strange problem: when I get on any floor, it has a slight chance of glitching. The enemies don't move and when I break a rock it breaks but I can't collect anything and everything...
  12. icarus-falls

    PlayStation Frozen animals & mines

    Playing split screen - Player 1 goes into the mines and it freezes often. No fix has been found aside from going out of the cave or going down a level to unfreeze. Player 1 animals also freeze until we have to restart the game completely.
  13. PlayStation Random bugs

    I’ve managed to come across and replicate some bugs in game to make sure it wasn’t just a small glitch. These bugs include; - an audio glitch while playing split screen multiplayer, all sound drops out for seemingly no reason (I’ve managed to replicate this by being in the mines for 2 days...
  14. Switch Mines Timestop Glitch

    Switch Co-Op Splitscreen (V. While in the mines, occasionally a floor would experience a 'timestop' where rocks when broken would freeze on their breaking animation frame. Additionally killed enemies would only lose hitbox and their sprite would freeze in place. Staircase can still be...
  15. PlayStation Mines Bug on PlayStation

    I have a pretty rare bug in the mines, some floors will randomly glitch out and not allow any rocks to be broken or items to be picked up. Animation sprites from swinging the pickaxe and stones appear on the screen but are frozen. It can be fixed by heading back to the mine entrance, but it...
  16. sinful7

    PlayStation Mining freezing

    In co-op my spouse's screen freezes when in the mine. Monsters stop moving, sword swing freezes on screen, can't get items. In treasure rooms, can't get the chest.
  17. PlayStation Mine reward chest bug

    Very repeatable and exploitable bug. When main player is outside the same mine level of the reward and another player accesses the chest (at least for slingshot, master slingshot, and tundra boots), the reward would go to the main player at least half the time. If the reward did go to the main...
  18. Xbox Frozen sprite/broken mine floor

    In Couch Co Op sometimes the first player gets a broken floor in the mines. Means the sprites get stuck in between action. Also getting no materials except qwatz/ earthcrystals. When both players are on the same floor, this Bug seem to not occur. Xbox series x
  19. Switch Fighting/mining animations won't disappear

    Switch Version Playing in Split Screen with two players, new Meadowland Farm. Host player took the elevator to level 20 and stairs to 21 and while mining/fighting the animations appeared and wouldn't disappear. It started with a white spot, which was left from the party hat while...
  20. Pomagranite Ink

    Windows Duggy drops overalls????

    So I was in the caves and I killed a duggy pretty normal but it dropped white overalls... this isn't in its drop pool right??? Like i looked it up everywhere but apparently no one else has seen this so is this a bug or like a new thing??? Please help