mastery cave

  1. Solved Crash in mastery cave iPad

    Game keeps crashing in mastery cave. Message: Could not load Fonts\smallFont asset! InnerException: Stack Trace: at StardewValley.LocalizedContentManager.LoadImpl[SpriteFont](String baseAssetName, String localizedAssetName, LanguageCode languageCode) at...
  2. Solved New iOS update crashing

    I just updated the game for iOS, and now when I try to click on anything in the Mastery Cave, the game crashes. I’m due to collect another Mastery, but I can’t because every time I try, it crashes the games. This is both when using tap-to-move controls and invisible joystick and buttons...
  3. Solved Crash on Mastery Cave

    I'm using Android, The Game Version is, it crashes whenever I interact with anything on the Mastery Cave. Before: After interacting (Not just on the Main Tablet, But also on the 5 Mastery Tablet) Also, I can't seem to backup my save file, as it always says access denied (didn't...