main menu

  1. Sylenity

    Solved Messed up resolution - Unable to reach the start menu buttons

    I was trying to set my resolution properly, but when I try loading back up to the main menu, I get this screen. I have it set to 1080p, which is my screen resolution. I've tried looking at the files, changing the launch options via steam, uninstalling and reinstalling, but nothing works. Please...
  2. PC [BUG] Game doesn't like Win + D shortcut

    Hello, after a whole in-game day of progress, I had to use Win + D shortcut. After reopening the window, game went to main menu (without anything special happening), so I tried to load the profile and game crashed. I was unable to repliacte the bug, has this happened to anybody else? It's worth...
  3. Secret in menu

    You all know about the Easter egg on the menu. Today I found another one. If you press 6 times in the lower left corner of the frame, a stone smiley will appear near the cursor.
  4. PC [BUG] Main Title Screen Music keeps playing even when in a game

    Not sure what the right word/title is, but its the music from when you select the "load" option on the main menu (not from the main title screen). Only way to get rid of it is to either turn the music volume down or exit the house when first loading into the world. Not a game breaking bug but an...