lost and found

  1. Machines destroyed by NPC's should be put into Lost & Found

    One annoyance with the game is that quite frequently NPC pathfinding will destroy placed items. If that happens to be a machine (which are quite costly to craft), then they're gone for good. It's not always clear where NPC pathfinding routes are. I'd like to propose that any item or machine...
  2. iOS [HELP] I lost my axe!

    HELP! My axe suddenly disappeared! Hi! Does anyone here had their axe suddenly disappeared? I played on iPad Pro (10.5) and I realized that I can't cut trees anymore. I don't store my main tools in the chest or something. I tried to look for it in Lost & Found at Lewis' house. It is there, so...
  3. Windows [BUG] randomly disappearing tools

    PLEASE HELP 😭 My tools keep randomly getting dropped and some are never recovered in the lost & found box! I have lost my axe, hoe, pickaxe, skythe, and watering can while just playing, only for them to reappear UN upgraded in lost & found the next day. I didn't die, didn't trash them...
  4. iOS Advice needed!!

    Does anyone with the 1.5 update (someone who plays not on mobile) know if the lost and found box can recover museum rewards? Because I primarily use mobile I have this late game save file I started and worked on for over a year preparing for the update but I accidentally deleted/lost the “Jade...
  5. PC [HELP] Tool I’m equipped with goes to lost and found when someone says my name and reverts back to standard tool.

    When I started the game I used the naming cheat so that I could get money faster. My name is [163][166][434]. When I go up to someone and they say my name, whatever tool I am equipped with will end up in lost and found the next morning. The tool when collected has reverted back to the original...
  6. Professor Brian O'blivion

    PC [BUG] Enchanted Pickaxe disappeared

    My enchanted pickaxe vanish over night and then I received a letter saying I had a tool in lost and found. It was a new pickaxe. It, of course, was the basic one. I had to go through the whole process with all the upgrades from Clint and then spend (waste) more Prismatic Shards and Cinder Shards...