
  1. Linux libssl not found (openssl 1.1 deprecated)

    I used to run Stardew Valley on NixOS using steam-run, but recently I upgraded it from 22.11 to 23.05 which made steam-run to not include openssl 1.1, since it won't be supported after September 11. This causes the game not to run. Running Stardew Valley NoFpsCap: This feature is not available...
  2. Quirinea

    Linux SDV does not start on new computer:

    I got a new laptop (Tuxedo, information below in the picture), Installed SDV and -- it flickered a moment and returned. Trying from console gave this: Running Stardew Valley ./StardewValley: line 7: sw_vers: command not found NoFpsCap: This feature is not available setGameMode(...