
  1. Switch Mayor lewis shorts quest bug?

    I have the on my switch. I was doing a gifting run, and tried to give lewis a blackberry, and he took his shorts out of my inventory for the quest. I don't think that's how it works on pc, but I never give lewis his shorts. I clicked on him with the blackberry, like you normally give...
  2. Switch Vincent breaking pathing/walking through environment

    Multiplayer (local co-op), 1.6.9 build 36, Spring 12 or 14 Year 1, early afternoon iirc? Vincent says something about gummies when I talk to him, walking up through the area behind his house. Then he keeps walking in that line, through the fence, then through the wall by the stairs, then walking...
  3. leeJi-ah

    Android Npc pathfinding issue 3

    Still on the game gameplay of my previous 2 posts on npc parthfinding issues, without relogging but leaving the beach into the town I checked to see what had happend to Lewis. I saw him walk through and over features of the map such as the graveyard, tree and Emily & Haley's house. He turned up...
  4. leeJi-ah

    Android Npc pathfinding issue

    While going to the beach I noticed a bunch of npc's all crowed together in one spot right where you enter the beach. After interacting with them I tried blocking the way I hopes they start to walk away quickly as they normally would if the player blocked them which worked. It turned out that...
  5. DragonGwen

    Writing Lewis Cockleberry (19XX-20XX)

    Mayor Lewis Cockleberry (19XX-20XX) Lewis Carter Cockleberry passed away on Fall 25 at the age of 73 in Pelican Town. He was born on Spring 7 19XX in the same place he died. Growing up, he had a passion for cooking, something he never lost. After going to collage for Political Sciences, he...
  6. Switch AYUDA Lewis de oro macizo

    Veran, hace poco hice la misión de la nota para conseguir la estatua de Lewis de oro macizo, la puse en el pueblo para conseguir la última carta que me hace falta, pero la coloque un día antes del evento de Halloween, resulta que al día siguiente no recibí la carta y tampoco pude ir al pueblo...
  7. Gesplinkct

    Writing Short story: Trolling Lewis (Updates with sequels)

    (Spoiler warning for a particular non-gameplay glitch) :lewyell::lewyell::lewyell: Tap tap tap tap... In the distance, Lewis sees the farmer entering the town from her farm, her rushed footsteps the telltale giveaway that she is approaching. Tap tap tap tap... The farmer beelines towards...
  8. okily_dokily

    I'm knitting a teeny tiny Stardew Valley - Updated December

    Wanted to share my yarn interpretations of Stardew Valley. Villager designs and patterns inspired by Mochimochi Land. :)
  9. Nathanboyz

    PC [BUG] Lewis' Quest <Juicy Bugs Wanted!> event

    If you manage to complete <Juicy Bugs Wanted!> before Winter 21 of the first year. It is possible to trigger this Cutscene even tho you didn't have the quest ended or already completed at exactly 12:00-12:10 AM on the beach. Note: I had already completed the quest and got this cutscene in...
  10. PC [HELP] Lost the golden Lewis statue by gifting it to him/placing near him?

    I tried seeing if I could gift the statue to Lewis or place it near him or something, it was one of those two, and he, funnily, got an angry bubble above his head, but then the statue was destroyed or something I think. I saw like yellow bits. I tried looking in his house and marines house...
  11. Magically Clueless

    (possible spoilers) Robin's rare dialogue

    So I was perusing stuff looking at information for the skull caverns and came upon the wiki page with a bunch of secrets. This one in particular caught my attention: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Secrets#Rare_Dialogue Both Marnie and Robin have a small chance to say, when you enter their shops...