
  1. Switch Items in fridges not recognized by kitchen.

    I have 5 extra fridges in my kitchen and it seems that food items in those fridges don’t show up when trying to make meals in the kitchen. Items that I had in the main fridge before the update is recognized but after moving some things around, anything new isn’t showing up unless in my direct...
  2. Switch Issue with workbenches and kitchens

    I’m playing on Switch version, and I’m having an issue where the workbench/kitchen aren’t working properly. I can still craft/cook with items in chests/fridges, but the text box doesn’t say how much of a material I have in storage if it’s not in my pockets. For example, in the picture...
  3. Xtremeone23

    Question Kitchen Furniture

    What mods add (not replace) kitchen furniture using content patcher in the Stardew Valley style?
  4. Switch [BUG] Pressing Y triggers cooking when holding wall furniture in kitchen.

    I have been trying to place a window behind the stove but when I press Y while holding the window, cooking screen is triggered. I tried clicking Y while holding nothing and it doesn’t trigger the cooking screen. Update 1: So I was already able to place a wall furniture thanks to suggestion of...
  5. Game freezing when trying to cook

    Hi, I have this annoying crash while I access the stove, it freezes my game and I can't do anything. Here goes the log:
  6. leeharuhi

    [BUG] Translation error in Kitchen menu

    When im cooking,i find some wrong from translation. I played in Chinese,so i think it's a Translation error. when i make "完美早餐",the first thing in list is"荷包蛋",also it's from the menu. But it is not the same NAME! It's"煎鸡蛋" of course two of them is the same meaning in Chinese. But i think it...