#keybored and mouse

  1. keyboard and mouse support on consoles

    I just want and hope that update 1.6 for consoles comes with keyboard and mouse support because, man, it's almost impossible to place machines, floors, or objects on the ground with the right analog stick and It's much more difficult to do this while walking, I swear, it's so frustrating and...
  2. beachmouse


    Is there a way that I can go into my windows 10 files in order to no longer need keyboard commands (just the mouse) to move about and work in game? Like I did previously on my Chromebook? I recently scrimped on my social security and purchased an Amazon refurbished gaming PC just for Stardew...
  3. why I am going to quit

    dude ima bout to quit this game because they don't allow keyboard and mouse on xbox for playing this game but its really fun PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE add it:heart::heart::haley::haley::haley::heartbroken::heartbroken::heartbroken: