keg issues

  1. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  2. Xbox Kegs Causing Crash

    Can’t use kegs when playing multiplayer, it immediately causes the game to crash. This began happening after the most recent update today.
  3. Android Using Artisan Goods on Mobile.

    Please separate the buttons to insert items into artisan goods. I always accidentally eat starfruit, eggs, wine when I want to put it in the machine (Keg, Mayonnaise Machine, Cask). to insert items into the machine using the “use tool” button. and the "check" button is only for eating food.
  4. Malidin

    Xbox Vinegar Brewing Bug? ("Solved" -- not a bug!)

    *Edit!* Discovered my problem, and it was technically my misunderstanding. >.< One week + one day and it finally finished.... And made a whole bunch of "unmilled rice juice"....yum. >.> Gotta use milled rice I see now... Gonna leave this up for any unwitting fools who follow in my footsteps and...
  5. Switch Loading Coffee Beans into Kegs quickly

    One issue that has been in the game for a long while is the process of loading Coffee Beans into Kegs quickly. Most other crops can be quick-loaded by running past Kegs in a row or column. However, Coffee Beans don't do that. At least not horizontally. You can do it easily if the Kegs are placed...
  6. Linux Issues with loading kegs (Steamdeck)

    Previously before the new update (1.6.9) it was only coffee beans that loaded differently into kegs. Now most fruit does not load into kegs as easily anymore especially corner kegs (ones diagonal). So restocking a shed filled with kegs takes almost triple the ammount of time as it used to. It’s...