
  1. I neeed some help

    So i have 8 hearts with sam and sebastian, so then i started dating sebastian, but now im getting second thoughts abt sam, i need help, if i break up with seb can i start dating him later if i regret it?, can i date 2 people at a time?, shoukd i break up with seb? I seriouisly need help with...
  2. Issue Blackscreen while sleeping

    Hello :> At first i could play as normal im at day 6 or 7 and now I have the problem that after i try to go to sleep my game keeps getting stuck on a black screen. Im complettly new to moddet stardew valley. ^^' https://smapi.io/log/b127861c6c394251bd64f801bf1c489e
  3. No ZeroMeters.SAAT.mod?

    Hey, wondering if anyone could help? When I try to use the Stardew Valley Expanded mod on mobile, it comes up with an error saying it can't load 'Stardew Valley Expanded music 1.14.24 because ZeroMeters.SAAT.mod isn't installed' however I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the SAAT - Audio...
  4. Roxyjumino_2


    hey :bchicken::bchicken::bchicken::wchick::wchick::wchick::heart::heart::heart: i recently downloaded stardew valley on my lenovo computer from the microsodt store ( so not on steam ) and i am not sure how to download and activate mods. :heartrip::heartrip::heartrip::heartrip::heartrip: Well...