
  1. Windows The lamps inside the houses in the town don't turn on at night.

    - I haven't played Stardew Valley for a couple of years, and when I started again I noticed that the lamps inside the houses in the town don't turn on at night. When I played a few years ago, the lamps did turn on. I don't know if this is normal in this new update or if it's a bug. - v1.6.15...
  2. AngieDee

    Issue My house is surrounded by the void.

    I'm not sure what mod -if any- this might be caused by, but I noticed my baby hanging out in the void, walking out from the bottom room of the house. I was able to follow them, and walk all around my house in fact. I was also able to access the staircase to the cellar from it, oddly enough...
  3. PC [BUG] Menu opening bug

    I've encountered miniro but annoing bug when opening inventory in an upgraded house. Basically, when i press E to open my inventory there's no smoothing background animation that you can see outside. It results in jerky movement when opening inventory. I also notice it in the mine entrance. I'm...