im so new to modding

  1. Issue mods not working [on computer and using steam]

    So im extreamly new to modding and trying to set up some bigger stuff but it just wont load and i've been trying to get the files that it says i need- i dont really know what information you guys would need to help me so this is what is going on [SMAPI] These mods could not be added to...
  2. Completely new and trying to add my own npc

    So I've been following the Stardew wiki tutorials and a few YouTube videos in trying to create and add a dateable npc to Stardew Valley. I have no experience coding but I've got an okay grasp of most of the steps I need to take to get my character into the game, I'm just particularly stuck on...
  3. monzaemon

    Android [HELP] Game crashes save file is loaded

    I use the latest Smapi version for Android, and everytime I try to load my save file, it opens to the loading screen, and then the music cuts out and it lingers there until I'm told the app encountered a problem. I have a few mods installed, but they all run fine, and nothing of note seems to...