house renovation

  1. Mac Attic wallpaper bug

    Cant get original attic wallpaper back as it is not in the catalogue and even if you destroy your attic and buy a new one after replacing wallpaper the new one comes with whichever wallpaper you replaced the og with. TLDR If you replace the attic wallpaper you cant get it back.
  2. psluiza

    Windows Translation error for the house upgrade

    I'm playing in portuguese and when I go to Robin to try to upgrade my house the game says I don't have enough money, but I have the amount the game tells me in portuguese... I don't have a screenshot, but I tested in english and the cost of the upgrade in english is different...
  3. iOS Can’t move shipping bin or renovate house

    on PC i know you can move the shipping bin and add rooms to your house at robins. but i can’t on my phone. and i’ve been seeing things about those being a 1.5 update features, and the app store says it’s 1.4 and updated a year ago. is there never going to be another iOS update to catch up with...