help around the farm

  1. Solved Cannot claim last pantry reward [Windows]

    I had almost complete the pantry in the community center but game does not allow me to even put in the crops. Why ? (Pls see screenshot). Pls help ! Thanks in advance.
  2. Elu

    Windows I need help to change the host of my game

    I have a question, a long time ago I had a co-op farm with someone else and that person had the world, I asked him for the game files because I don't play with that person anymore, but I want to play with my character not his, is there any way to change the game files so I can play with my...
  3. meganeko

    Issues with Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2

    Hello! I have the Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2 mod installed on my 200 hour farm, but the author has abandoned the mod and for 1.6, my chests and everything else is inaccessible, is there any way I can move these around now to get them back into the house? Please help!
  4. Children update

    I have some ideas about an update that adds more to having kids. I like having kids but I feel that their kinda pointless. Here are my ideas: 1. Unique looks. I feel that the way your kids look could be changed based on who your partner is (example, purple hair if you're with Abigail or black...