
  1. Switch Spanish translation issue and Robin’s catalogue bug

    Hi! I would like to report some issues, one specific from the Spanish translation that still happening since the 1.6 update and the other are some that I just experience since the latest update. (Mi Switch is not modded) First one, when you dehydrate a fruit and you get the item the name in...
  2. Switch Switch Fishing Bug

    Hey there! Longtime stardew player here and this has me stumped. So, I just started playing Stardew on switch for the first time since the 1.6 update. I’ve been playing on my phone for a while, but decided I wanted to do it on the big screen. The only problem I’m having is trying to fish. While...
  3. Windows I married with Penny and she decorate my room but my items is DISAPPEARED SHE SAY İTEMS İS İNSİDE OF THE CHEST BUT CHEST İS BUGGED İN WALL

    I married with Penny and she decorate my room but my items is DISAPPEARED SHE SAY İTEMS İS İNSİDE OF THE CHEST BUT CHEST İS BUGGED İN WALL my statue of perfection disappeared im in 5. year
  4. Android Game interrupts

    Hello, so after the big update 1.6, the game just closes by itself. I lose everything I did throughout the day. Sometimes it even closes in the menu! It gets frustrating. Is it the game or my phone? Help me
  5. Xbox I had a bug with My friend, please help

    So My friend he joins the game and he Goes back to the menu every 2 ingame days, it depends, and i have to keep inviting him back everytime, everytime he Goes back to the menu it appears the message: the server closed the connection, something like that, but i didn't quit the game, im still in...
  6. velazquez.paola.229@gmail

    Solved Stuck and can't play?

    I started a new save file when the new update came out and I've been doing pretty well. I hopped on this morning (on mobile version) to continue trying to complete the community center but I'm stuck? Like I can't see my character or anything. My duck and chickens can move either. I can zoom in...
  7. aconfusedplayed

    Issue All mods "parsing manifest failed" in Android

    https://smapi.io/log/147e1e21feda45ec8b65588a70b3f72f Help, all of the mods I'm trying to use had their manifest failed to be parsed. That includes content patcher, too. Should I also give all of the mods' their manifests?? :sweat::dizzy: But, I guess it's important to note that, I had...
  8. advil

    Android Inventory HUD overlaps Day Cycle

    As you can see in the picture, the inventory HUD overlaps with the day cycle. Android English Single player build 24327
  9. Switch I can’t seem to find my pick ;w;

    Hello! I’ve been playing stardew for just over a year now and have never had this problem before, I checked all of my chests (even on ginger island and calico desert) AND my refrigerator 😭🙏 I just cant find it for the life of me and i need to do some mining <\3 any suggestions?
  10. ObamaJR

    Some sprite master error?

    hello friends, as you can imagine i have a problem with smapi or a mod?, i don't really know but here's the smapi log i don't have any problems except this one, i searched the repos directory and it's empty. don't really know why i start having this problem, before i updated smapi the game was...
  11. Xbox Please Help!

    Every night, without fail, the game crashes right before our money is counted. I say "our" because this is a co-op game. We haven't had any issues prior to this, and we are both on the latest version of the game. We end up having to repeatedly replay the same day, and we can't find a fix for it...

  13. Rex_xir

    iOS 1.6 update

    Heyyy, I’m having issues with the wallpaper, everything else is doing good it’s just the game for what ever reason isn’t allowing me to place wallpape. It was doing this before I upgraded the rooms in my house but I thought it might fix when I upgraded but I was wrong. ive updated the app...
  14. Android Workbench bug 👨‍🔧

    My workbench is bugged it still works but some of the items are in the scroll icon and it kinda hard to craft because of it, hope they'll fix it
  15. aconfusedplayed

    Issue Need Help With "Parsing Its Manifest Failed"

    https://smapi.io/log/7961b8783d874ea285d4dfa7e31358a8 Here's my log for it! I'm an Android player, and this issue has been appearing many times. I always check for the compatibility of the mods that I'm trying to use. I also try to check the posts of the mods, reading any answered or...
  16. advil

    Android Inventory HUD overlaps day cycle

    As you can see in the picture, the inventory HUD overlaps with the day cycle. I tried resizing both, hoping it would fix the issue, but it still doesn't work. Android English Single player build 24314
  17. Switch Thought por dois segundos "Crash Issue When Using Explosives in Online Mode After Nintendo Switch Update

    On the Nintendo Switch, after the new update, the game crashes every time I use explosives in online mode, which is really affecting our gameplay. We tested it, and when only one person is playing, it works fine. But when the two of us play together, the problem occurs.
  18. Xbox Game Glitch

    There's not much explaining I can do other than this: when I try to play an online game with a friend(I'm hosting) we cannot use bombs in any which way without one of our games crashing. If I use a bomb, it makes my friends game crash. If he uses a bomb, it makes my game crash. The game closes...
  19. Windows 1.6 Multiplayer Disconnection Issue

    Hi all, Me and my friend have been playing Stardew for about 100 hours nearly on a multi world and enjoying it without any issues, however today when we got on to play we suddenly encountered instances of forced disconnection, notably only on my end (non-server host). Prior to this there hadn't...
  20. bernienja

    Solved Lost Watering Can [iOS]

    Hi all, I am a newbie in this forum. I need help! I lost my watering can, I tried doing the suggestions I found in different threads. Like searching to all the wooden chest, checking all the fridge, I also checked lost and found item at Mayor’s house. But I couldn’t find it. Worse is, according...