graphic bug

  1. unz

    Android Graphical glitches in the mines: partially missing floor textures

    Around floor 72 of the mines, Floor texture partially missing, replaced by black patches, AKA: THE VOID. See attached pics. Also need to mention that the coal backpack was already empty when I found it. Haven't previously visited the Mine's castle levels in this game year, so as far as I know...
  2. Switch Leaves appear as walls/in bulks

    I'm not sure how to best describe it, but the leaves come flying onto my screen in wall-like bulks. I have tried to attach pictures here. I'm playing on Switch in single player mode v1.6.9 build 37. This glitch does not appear on my multiplayer file on the same version, only in single player.
  3. Switch [BUG] Weird graphics bug on Ostrich Incubator -- with quick list of other bugs I have run into as well | ver.

    Nintendo Switch Firmware 19.0.1 - no mods, fresh update ver. While incubating, the ostrich baby was ready and I was hoping to move some animals for the birth. It was weird and returned the egg to me, but the incubator graphic/tileset changed to junimo chest and immediately back to an...
  4. OregonRob

    Android graphic and tap response bugs

    hello, I am on an android onn 11pro tablet running android v14.0 recently updated to SDV build 24307 and I am experiencing 2 separate issues in my Year 7 Farm. 1. clicks/taps are not working very well. particularly I've noticed when trying to pet animals. it takes several attempts to...