
  1. Xbox Bug i think ginger island journal scraps

    I am in my 8th year now and before i was go to ginger island i founded one or two of some journey scraps . But they dont dissapair anymore and not too on the secret notes page . I cant find any more of them please help i dont know what to do i did everything to solf the problem and seeked...
  2. Xbox Bug - haley and mayor lewis on same tile on ginger island

    Mayor lewis and haley are standing on the same tile and I cannot talk to mayor lewis
  3. SebastianSimp4444

    Switch [BUG] Pirates Cove Loading

    After playing about 4 rounds of darts in the pirates cove, i went to leave, and the music continued playing and the screen went black. i had to press the home button and press on stardew valley (without shutting down the program) in order to get the beach/island to load
  4. Switch Ginger island floor bug

    First time on ginger island and I'm guessing this is a bug but when you start going north all the way to the volcano..the floor is blue