
  1. Windows Gifting trinkets to NPCs

    When gifting Trinkets to NPCs, the item does not show up in the gifting tab afterwards. I am using the latest version for PC (windows).
  2. Solved [Switch] Every gift is registering as a loved gift

    On Switch since the latest update. Single player. Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
  3. StanKrobusAndEatClay

    Anyone else just forget to give their favorite character an item on their birthday?

    I keep forgetting to give my husband harvey a gift, and I'm still sad about it.
  4. Android Mobile Bug - Item Interaction and Actions Not Working

    Basically there is an issue with actions that got a lot worse recently. On mobile, you tap the screen to interact with items. When you do so, the tile glows briefly. Since the 1.5 update there are certain times interaction does not work. Specifically, kegs at the very bottom row of sheds and...
  5. Mlovespugs1011

    Windows Crashed after giving Willy a gift in the Saloon.

    Basically, I went about my day in the game, did all my chores, gifted gifts to other villagers, but night time came when everyone was in the Saloon. I gifted Willy a diamond and suddenly the game crashed. I replayed the day as normal, and gifted him it the next morning and everything was fine...
  6. Question Consistent item ID

    I'm looking for some help with fixing up my Context-Sensitive Gift Cursor mod. Basically, it adds an icon to the cursor that will quickly show if an NPC will like an item you've got in hand. It wokrs well in general, but has some issues with nonstandard gift giving, including certain quests...
  7. Switch [BUG] Feast of the Winter Star gift giving crashes game

    Playing on switch, literally just updated to the latest version. Pam is my "Special Person", I gift her a pale ale, the screen fades to black, and the game crashes. Issue repeats consistently. Not sure if these details help, but I'm married to Penny, I'm wearing Lewis' pants, and it is year 3.
  8. iOS [HELP] Gus quests - gifts, not quest items

    When attempting to give Gus the lobster or albacore for his quests, it is recognizing them as gifts, not quest items. I gave him a gift, then tried to complete the quests, but the game said you’ve already given Gus a gift today. Next day, gave a gift and tried again, game said you’ve already...
  9. redbobcat

    Tip: Easy gift giving

    Figured out an easy way for myself to give gifts to villages that I meet randomly during the day. This is NOT including birthdays, because for those I always try to give “loved” items for extra bonus. The tip is to always carry a stack of these 2 items in my bag: First item - Pale Ale. Easy...