garden pot

  1. Linux Cannot plant seeds in garden pots on eastern edge of Ginger Island Farm

    On Ginger Island Farm I cannot plant seeds in most of the garden pots I have placed in one of the 2 columns of untillable tiles on the east edge of the farm map. I've attached a picture from Stardew Planner highlighting the tiles, I will work on getting an actual screenshot and save file off my...
  2. Windows Harvesting wild seeds in garden pots only gives base quality forage

    Harvesting wild seeds in garden pots will only produce base quality forage, the expected result is that the forage grown in the garden pots will be affected by your forage level, and any related foraging perks/ quality fertilizer. Deluxe fertilizer also has no effect on the quality of forage you...
  3. Lillipad.Frog

    Let's fix 'Raised Garden Beds' by Blueberry

    A few months ago a beloved (22,000 dLs) mod 'Raised Garden Beds' by Blueberry broke, unfortunately the OG dev has abandoned the project as of January 2022. The problems are all recorded in the Nexus posts section of the mod, and I'll describe my personal experiences: upon placing the garden...
  4. Croakichi

    Android Grass Starter not plantable in Garden Pots?

    It'd be great if we could also plant grass starters in garden pots. It grows on the floor inside of houses - why not in pots?!
  5. iOS [BUG] Indoor garden pots clipping through each other

    I have two garden pots on the far right wall of the "living room" part of my house (Stage 2 Forest Farmhouse) right next to each other. When I walk around or interact with them, they clip (or switch layers, I guess) back and forth over each other. This happens whether or not something is...
  6. BlaDe

    PC [BUG] Inconsistency with fertaliser and garden pots

    If you harvest a crop by picking it up fertaliser disappears. If you harvest a crop by scything it the fertaliser remains.