game freezes

  1. theblobmaster

    Android CalicoJack, low stakes, freezes game

    explain the issue; Every time I try to play CalicoJack, Low Stakes, the game freezes. It deals the cards but then nothing else happens. There's no option to exit and there's no way to actually play the game. I've now tried multiple times on multiple in game days and actual days to do this. I...
  2. Mac The game freezes when I use keyboard to control character

    Issue Explanation: General description: My game does not have MOD. For sometimes (not all times) I load the game. The whole game freezes when I try to control a character through keyboard, such as pressing WASD to move around, Tab to switch storage display, E to open menu, X & C to do actions...
  3. Issue My game keeps crashing :(( ([PC]

    I play modded stardew (PC) , (sve and a bunch of other ones) and I've been having issues of smapi randomly "crashing" or freezing mid game and me needing to restart the whole day. It's been happening especially after I updated the smapi version and some mods but I'm not sure which mod could be...
  4. Stuck on Loading Screen, Please help

    I recently modded my game, and have no issues besides the occasional character walking through something they shouldn't. I went to play today and everything was going fine, then my game crashed. Nothing too bad. I just restarted and made sure to save every so often (I have the save anywhere...
  5. iOS Freezes up on me always now!

    Every time I open the game for mobile iPhone it freezes as soon as I press play on my air pods. I always listen to my own stuff when I’m gaming bit now Stardew Valley won’t allow me to. I tried uninstalling it, which deleted all of my progress, btw I had millions of dollars and two kids, and now...
  6. Issue Help Needed; game freezes

    I have a bunch of mods installed and I am still learning. Game was working find until just recently. Went to desert and when i try to return home my game freezes. I return on the bus and i get to the bus stop but that is it. Tried walking home from the desert but then i hit a black loading...
  7. Switch [BUG] Game Freezes After Using Enricher

    Super minor bug but I’ve noticed that everytime after I exit out of the screen that allows you to place fertilizer in enricher the time stops and I cannot move until I press either the “Y” or the “A” button. Version: English Single player
  8. r0ttedpvnk

    Windows [HELP] My stardew freezes every few days and I'm not sure what to do.

    I can't really update my drivers right now and I barely found any solutions to this so I feel kinda lost ig. I play stardew for like 3 days in a row (real time) and then when I try to launch the game, it just freezes and when i go to the load or try making a new save it just crashes.
  9. PC [BUG] game crashes when i try to get near my animals

    i can go about the town and walk around the house but as soon as i get near the barn area, the game freezes then exits out the game. I didnt do anything different besides update the game through steam ???