flower dance

  1. iOS Unable to enter events

    I started playing the game today and have played until the egg festival and flower dance. I could not enter the flower dance event, even though I entered the forest below the farm. Is there any way to fix this issue? I was really looking forward to the dance.
  2. Solved Crash on flower dance festival co-op invitation

    I'm playing co-op with my friend on mobile, we've reached the 1st year spring flower dance festival and encountered the crash bug. As soon as I click yes or no when I invite her the game instantly crashes, there's no "this app is not responding" it just boots me back into my home screen as...
  3. nbdTyler

    Issue Flower Dance Bugged (No Festival, Just Forest)

    So I get to the point where I can go to the Flower Dance, I do a bit of farming and stuff before I can enter the Forest, and when it hits 9:00, and I go, it spawns me in the middle of the Forest? Just trees, No festival, no characters (besides the wizard [/ witch with my mods]), and no way to...
  4. Spring dance adjustments

    Hello there! I struggle enjoying the dance scene, I am a nonbinary trans person and seeing my character be forced into the side where the girls dance, I normally dance with the male characters, makes it very weird to watch. I don't think I'm the only one in this funky position much like my...
  5. Flower dance minigame

    My suggestion is for the duration of the flower dance (Where you have the dance cut scene). There would be a minigame for your dance moves and if you would do them correctly it would give you + points to the partner with who you're dancing. (Maybe like DDR)
  6. redbobcat

    Flower Dance entrance sign

    On a day of a Flower Dance you walk south from your farm and you get transferred to this small area surrounded by colorful flags. It’s not exactly clear what to do next. In fact in my first game play I thought the game glitched and restarted the day :). Didn’t notice the tiny bridge on the left...