fishing rod

  1. Android Fishing rod bait disappeared

    This bug happens with fishing rod and bait. Fishing rod is equipped with one type of bait and has more that one bait, eg. Fishing rod with 15 common baits. A different type of bait is kept hold so that only one bait is taken, then that bait is equipped in the fishing rod and previous bait comes...
  2. Android Baits disappeared when putting onto fishing rod

    I realised it's not possible to remove bait from fishing rod on mobile, only option is replacing with a different type of bait. I have some sturgeon baits on my rod. I tried to put one piece of normal bait from a pile onto the rod to displace the sturgeon baits. I did this with the mobile way...
  3. iOS Can’t attach anything to rod

    I’ve just recently started playing and have searched all over to see if there’s anything I could find but there is virtually no way to add anything to the pole that I can figure out on iOS. I know I have a pole that works because when I hold down on it it opens up the box with the description...
  4. Solved Disappearing tools and items

    I have had 3 tools disappear from my inventory. The axe, watering can and fishing rod have disappeared at different times. The watering can and axe were in the lost and found the next day but the axe lost all it's upgrades. (I added a pic of the secret woods entrance showing that I had a steel...
  5. Switch Can not attatch both hook and bait to iridium fishing pole

    I am able to put bait and the hook on my pole, but if I try to do both at once it just swaps them out. not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  6. Android Combining objects

    Hey! I have trouble trying to combine fishing rod and bait: in the inventory, when I drop the bait on the fishing rod, it switches places instead of combining. Is it a bug? Am I doing it wrong? Is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance for your answers! (I'm French, I apologise if my English...