
  1. Issue [HELP]Corrupt Save File/File Gone/Won't Show In Game Pls help

    Somehow my main PC gameplay file peachy farm has become corrupt and I can't recover it on my own. I do have mods but I'm not too tech savy so everything I've tried has failed so far and I fear I've possibly made it worse. Please help, I'm genuinely crying and tweaking over this I've put sooooo...
  2. dwarflover420

    Xbox stardew valley co-op saves keep getting corrupted (xbox console)

    me and my best friend created a co-op world on the xbox gamepass version of stardew valley, and on year 5, after a decent amount of progression, it got corrupted after my bsf fell asleep with it open (i left the game). after being pissed off for a good month or so, we decided to give it a second...