error code

  1. iOS Missão dos ovos não carrega a cena 😭😭😭😭

    Fiz a missão de colocar duas dúzias de ovos na geladeira do Gus e estava tudo certo. Quando entrei na taberna pra cena do pessoal comendo o omelete A CENA NÃO CARREGOU!!!! ficou tudo preto e uns textos em vermelho na parte de baixo que não entendi 😭😭😭😭 perdi essa cena que eu amo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  2. Windows Steam: game executables missing

    Heyy, I tried modding Stardew Valley on steam and it didnt turn out the way I wanted, so i deleted the mods and i think i accidentally deleted an important file too. Now I cant play anymore. I uninstalled Stardew Valley and installed it again multiple times. I cleared the game cache, i verified...
  3. PlayStation Bug report for ps5

    Have been attempting to join my sister's game and she has attempted to join mine, but still experiencing an error code of np-103496-3 and from what I have read, this was a bug that was common about 4 years ago and still seems to be around. Any work arounds or any idea of what we can do?