
  1. PlayStation Dinosaur glitch

    Dinosaurs have always glitched out the screen on co-op, making it almost impossible to move on the screen at all until death, but its especially terrible now. Now it actually is impossible. Wild how I rarely see it mentioned, but its been mentioned a handful of times on PS4 and Switch since...
  2. elliewellie

    dino floors

    what’s the chance of getting a prehistoric floor in the skill cavern? and what’s the chance of finding ancient seeds in the like grass things because i heard that was a thing?? 😿
  3. Solved [HELP] Incubator can't breed dinosaur egg

    Version / German I'm playing on a Samsung Tab. Problem: I have the deluxe coop and put a dinosaur egg in the incubator. Now it's breeding more than 30 days, the incubator is pulsing, but nothing happens. The dinosaur doesn't emerge. Please could someone help?
  4. Switch [BUG] Split Screen Dino Lag

    I am playing split screen on Switch with my wife. Anytime we run into the dino monsters down in the Skull Caverns the game lags and slows down, immensely when they breath fire. I am only making this post to alert you to this issue. We ran into three and when they all tried to burn us we had to...
  5. should I donate a dinosaur egg to the museum?

    hi, so to my understanding you can incubate a dinasour egg in the coop rather then donating it to the museum, I still didn't find one yet but when I do should I donate it or incubate it? I dont want to "waste" it but I dont have any intrest right now to start raising little dinosaur and...
  6. PC [BUG] Dino egg

    so I've noticed every time i make mayo with a dino egg it just makes regular mayo not dino mayo. ive tried rebooting computer and im using a lenovo laptop and its a bit on the older side