
  1. Windows Fish Smoker Disappeared

    Good Afternoon, Just started playing the game in the Riverlands Farm with the fish smoker. All was well until the Summer after the Luau, to which I woke up after the game saved and the fish smoker totally disappeared! I have absolutely no idea how this happened; I placed it behind the farm...
  2. Coding Help Why my smapi terminal can't recognize my debug comands when I'm debugging with JetBrain's Ridder

    The condition likes this: world_setminelevel 2 [SMAPI] Unknown command 'world_setminelevel'; type 'help' for a list of available commands. debug zl 20 [SMAPI] Unknown command 'debug'; type 'help' for a list of available commands. besides when I input 'help', only the following comands're shown...
  3. NotSimon

    Is there a mod that shows all 'activated assets' in-game?

    Good day everyone! I'm not sure what exactly to call the concept I have in mind (which makes it really hard to search for relevant mods, admittedly), but I first got the idea through the mod "Teleport NPC Location" by MangoPuPuPudding on Nexus. Aside from the main functionality of the mod, the...
  4. SquirrelTail15

    Windows [BUG] UI Zoomed Out?

    Since the last update (1.5.6) my game and the game's UI is eternally zoomed out. This isn't my settings - it's also true for the opening menu and stuff, and zooming in to 200% in-game only makes it slightly larger and more fuzzy. It's not completely unplayable but nothing I do makes it go away...