crash bug

  1. Switch Crashing

    I play on switch, version 1.6. Now every time I go to Clint and have him process geodes it crashes the software. It has done it 3x in a row. I already reinstalled the software, restarted the device and tried doing a different sequence of events and it still keeps happening. Let me know if you...
  2. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  3. MwofDethe

    Xbox (Xbox) (Local Multiplayer) Crashing issue while in menus

    In Splitscreen multiplayer I have been experiencing occasional crashes when both players are in the inventory menus, not sure if that's what causes the crash or if it's something else
  4. Switch Latest Switch Update Bugs

    Raccoon shop is still broken AND the baby raccoons arent appearing. Triple Shot Espresso cannot be sold or put in the garbage. And my game crashes a lot and sends me back to the switch home screen.
  5. Windows Using Seed Maker crashes to Desktop - RESOLVED

    Hello! Whenever I try to use a Seed Maker, the game crashes to Desktop without any error message pop-up. It happens no matter which vegetable/fruit I use, even things that don't produce seeds like Hardwood or Blackberry cause the crash. I tried placing the Seed Maker on the farm and inside the...
  6. Switch Game Crash after winning bet in Calico Desert

    I’m currently in the Spring of Year 3 and having a crash issue when betting on the races at the Calico Desert Festival. If I lose, nothing happens. If I win, my game crashes every time. Everything else seems to function normally and this is the only issue I’ve had with the game. I play single...
  7. Switch Online Co-Op

    Partner and I fully updated the game and we can’t get through one full day without the game crashing! We play online co-op. Anyone else experiencing this issue?:sweat:
  8. Switch Game crash when split screen

    Game seems to crash often when we play split screen, very often in the skull cavern, but also sometimes just out of nowhere.
  9. Switch Co-op Split screen disconnecting

    Me and my partner have a co-op which we play on split screen and we find that pretty much every time we play, it’ll crash at some point. If it happens after sleeping but before confirming that the day has saved, it’ll still save the day. Otherwise we just get completely booted off to the main...
  10. Xbox Dehydrator Bug

    I move my dehydrater from the cave to up by my house. Loaded it with peppers to dehydrate and now my game crashes anytime I get near the dehydrator. Update: and now it's also doing it when I try and collect honey
  11. Xbox Crashing after update

    Xbox alerted me mid game that there was an update and now I can't collect anything with the game crashing idk
  12. Xbox Xbox One game persistently crashing starting today

    Every time I try to retrieve a finished item from any processing machine (keg, preserve jar, fish smoker, etc) the game immediately crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, tried doing other activities in-game. Still crashes every time.
  13. Kazimir420

    Xbox Game crashing bug after latest Xbox update

    Game crashes soon as I pick up anything(crops) or put any crops into something. Like wine barrels or a forge.
  14. Xbox Game crashes when putting a cucumber (super or sea) into smoker

    The game crashes when I put a silver quality super cucumber into a fish smoker. I do not have another super cucumber to test with, but the same thing happens with a gold quality sea cucumber or a silver quality sea cucumber. I am on an Xbox Series X, version 1.6.9 build 40 No error message, just...
  15. Xbox V1.6.9 build 40 on Xbox One X is crashing

    My save file was altered. Had a level 4 fairy, then strangely it became level 3 with a different color combo. More concerningly, any cask I try to harvest by hand causes the game to crash. If I use a ho, then it works and doesn’t crash. I haven’t tried anything else because I don’t want to...
  16. Switch Split Screen crashing (no bombs!!)

    Hello! My partner and I just started playing split screen on the switch (Switch system version 14.1.1, SDV in English) using Switch Pro controllers and we are experiencing frequent crashes. It seems to be crashing every 3-4 days in the middle of the day. Neither of us have used any...
  17. Windows Crashing when collecting from Crab pot

    (v1.6.14 build 24317) Game crashes to desktop when trying to collect from crab pots to the left of Willy's Shop. It seems to be specifically one with a crab in it that was placed after 1.6 but before the current patch. When using controller it crashes when just holding A/X and walking up to the...
  18. PlayStation Co Op game crashes when trying to buy from Marnie

    I can talk to Marnie but whenever I try to buy, the game crashes.
  19. Laddu

    Android is still crashing it still crashes often at load or new menu the main difference between and i experienced .. is that it reaches to the point of new or load menu more frequently n a couple of times i do reach the farm however it crashes during getting in n out of robin shop /...
  20. PlayStation Game crashes

    Hello! I have been playing the new update on co-op on the PS5 for a few weeks now but the game has recently started to crash at random intervals. We'll be going about the game and then all of a sudden it'll just close. On top of the random crashes there's also a character crash we've been...