crafting issue

  1. Switch Crafting Text ALL Red 1.6 Switch

    I am playing the 1.6.9 build 36 version on my Switch console, and every crafting/cooking recipe is showing red text for every single item, regardless of if I have this item or not. This means that when I go to cook/craft and see that I cannot make something, I have to check every fridge/chest to...
  2. Xbox Scarecrow is missing from crafting recipes

    Hello, I have the quest to craft a scarecrow, and it is missing from the crafting recipes menu. I am at level 1 farming already, so it should be here already. I am on a new save on the Meadowland Farm. Thank you, Sara
  3. Switch Recipes Disappearing

    Hello there! My husband and I have both lost our iridium bar recipes and I lost ny life elixir recipe. We are on different switches and games but have both lost recipes. I am guessing it is a temp but but I am posting in case others are having recipes disappear as well. Thank you.
  4. Windows Cant get the craft every item star

    I have the advanced option on. I have done all the crafted items that are on all the list I can find . I'm on single player on pc. What am I missing? I have all 148 items in my craft tap