
  1. Solved Help me with my corrupted save game

    I have this save game that I've spent quite sometime with it and really want to try achieving everything in the game with this save. But few days ago, I tried to editing my farm a bit with a save editor. But when I tried to played the save, the game just crashed instantly without any specific...
  2. PC [HELP] Game Keeps crashing on load/ Multiplayer

    Me and my Girlfriend have been trying to get back on our multiplayer world but every time she tries to load that save it crashes. She has tried to uninstall the game and reinstall and we have run through this link: to...
  3. PC [HELP] Lost Progress on Steam Running on MacBook Pro

    This has been an issue for the past three days. The other day I went to play my game and it had jumped me back to Day 5 when I was on Day 7. The next (in real life) day, I took the advice of a Reddit response, and turned off Steam's "cloud synchronization". I then played the game, exited to...