
  1. Switch Game Glitch and crash

    Loaded up today in a co-op with my son. Everything was fine for a while, then we loaded into level six in the mines, I picked up a piece of quartz at the foot of the ladder, and it began glitching. Things were floating, actions were sticking! You could see them! :/ very strange. Wondering if...
  2. iOS Not loading properly on iPad,

    Played earlier this morning was working fine and now it’s completely glitched, I’ve restarted game and iPad and when I fish the sound when you fish stays until I close the game completely (fishing sound has been since last update on mobile) . Has been glitching the past few days but now I can’t...
  3. Creator Response Board came in bad shape ,

    center of the board came in creased , torn and crinkled . Really let down this game has taken forever to get here on top of being sold out . Half the cards are peeling with the laminate Really sad about this whole ordeal