community center

  1. 🌸Violet🌸

    Guida Italiana alla Vasca dei Pesci del Community Centre

    Ciao! So che completare il Community Center è un'impresa impegnativa, ma forse non tanto quanto trovare altri giocatori italiani su questo forum. Per facilitare il completamento della "Vasca dei pesci", ho creato una guida dedicata ai Fish Bundles. La guida è disponibile in un documento Word...
  2. Switch Community Center and Museum Progress Gone - Multiplayer

    I've been playing co op with my partner for about two weeks and our connection failed and when I tried to open the file again, it was gone. I saw on another thread that they found the file in the load menu as a default character. I was able to retrieve our co op farm, but all of our museum and...
  3. Switch [Bug] Lost community and museum progress

    Switch Version 1.6.9 build 40 During multiplayer when at the end of a night, there was a connection failure which booted is back to the main screen. When the host tried to view the save file and host it after (both on local and multiplayer), the file was noted as a "fresh" account (0 hours...
  4. World Record Community Center completion to date

    After the 1.6 update came out, I had the idea of doing a dynamically seeded Community Center completion challenge run, so some friends and I got to work and completed the CC on Spring 15, Year 1. I'm proud of what we accomplished, and I'd like to see what you all think or what questions you...
  5. Solved Community center scrolls aren't showing up

    Hello, Me and my friend just started our first ever multiplayer save yesterday. We both play on Windows. We wanted to start on the community center but for some reason only the crafts room has the scroll/bundles visible. No other bundles are shown in the community center or in the menu. My...
  6. Windows Winter Foraging Bundle Reward Single Item Quantity Glitch

    My daughter and I were playing a Co-op game using the Meadowlands Farm, and my daughter discovered a glitch. My daughter accidentally clicked the reward for the Craft Room - Winter Foraging Bundle in the Community Centre, collecting 1, instead of all 30 seeds. We returned to the Craft Room...
  7. AngryBunny

    Switch Large Egg Dialogue Needs Update

    There needs to be a dialogue change when trying to complete the Animal Bundle in the Community Center. It does not specify that you only get Brown Eggs from Brown Chickens and White Eggs from White Chickens. I wasted my first year trying to get a Large White Egg from a Brown Chicken. At the...
  8. Switch Soft Lock: Exotic Foraging Bundle

    1. Full inventory 2. Pick up Master Slingshot on floor 80 3. Dropped item to pick up the slingshot 4. Go to Exotic Foraging Bundle Screen 5. Pick up Root Carrot that I dropped 6. Master Slingshot enters inventory, can’t get out of the screen
  9. Switch Problem when giving in tiger trout for community centre

    When I was giving in my tiger trout for the community centre my game got stuck on the page where you give in the fish and it won’t let me exit the page I think this might be related to the fact I have more then one of the same fish that I am giving in so it won’t let me exit no Matter what...
  10. Lydia3.3

    joja or community?

    I’ve just started a second world to get closer to Shane haha, i was just wondering the pros and cons of doing Joja? the villagers all hate it, right? and Pierre’s shop is struggling and Penny always says that things went downhill since they moved in, however, a few people work there, like Shane...
  11. evergreen oak

    Switch Community Center related bug from reddit

    Saw this posted over on the Stardew Valley Console subreddit. I don't have an account there but I want to make sure these issues are brought up and acknowledged by developers here; "I'm in Summer year 2. I just got my red cabbage and the only other thing I need is a sturgeon. I tried to...
  12. Xbox Community center glitch

    I had a full backpack in the community center. I received an item and my pack was too full. I dropped an item off to the side so I could pick it up later. I then deposited 106 wood into the community chest, leaving an extra 7 wood. However, my character automatically picked up the extra item on...
  13. Windows Community Center Bug!

    So i started a file and for some reason, the golden scroll in the crafts room, lower left, isn't there. But the scrolls for the fishing tank and bulliten board are. I can't complete the community center and i even restarted, beelined for day 5 and two times it worked normally. I thought it was...
  14. ryanxredd

    Xbox UI Issues When Multiple Players are Viewing Bundles in the Community Centre

    There are UI issues when multiple players are simultaneously viewing different bundles in the Community Centre. When one player navigate around the bundle, selects an item, or adds an item to a bundle, UI elements show over both screens; even if both players are in different bundles. Eg: If...
  15. Switch Switch new game 1.6 no rain in Spring + Fall bug

    Switch new game 1.6 no rain bug: Seems there is a bug where is no rain except for scripted days (Spring 3rd and Summer 13/26). However thunderstorms still appear to trigger normally, so you can get plenty of rain/thunder during summer. But still no normal RNG rain in the spring and fall. (So...
  16. Windows Cant see community center icon

    My boyfriend and I started playing and currently he's the host. He's watched all the cut scenes and even donated into a bundle. Yet he keeps telling me he can't see that little community center tree icon that's in your inventory tab. It's not there every time we played so it's not a "restart...
  17. What would happen if....

    I'm curious what would happen if you trigger Shane's seven-heart event after Joja goes bankrupt, since that story involves Shane, Emily, and Clint shooting an advertisement for Joja.
  18. Android Bug with foraging bundle

    Hello :) I have an annoying problem with the foraging bundle. I can't open it. My avatar just slides around it. It also doesn't show up in the menu when I go through all the different bundles. I play on my tablet s7fe and everything is updated. Also everything is set to English. Please someone...
  19. iOS Community center

    I can’t place the items I connected in the community center. Is there something wrong with my operation??
  20. Windows GreenHouse isn't working

    context: 1. I have already made it perfect. 2. the save started in multiplayer on someone else's computer and I ported the save to my computer. ----- I've already completed the community center, it's been repaired and I've used the greenhouse, but for some reason it stopped working and it's as...