
  1. Rae2030

    PC Looking for people to start a modded farm 18+

    Hey😊 I’m looking for 1-2 people to start a modded farm with me, I’m hoping this will be a long term farm. I’m 22 hence the 18+ and I’m from the UK. We can play either through discord or just through chat in game whatever people are comfortable with. I play a few times a week so we can play whenever
  2. Swazo

    Switch Missing Furniture After Witch Visit

    So far this issue has occurred twice and only affects the secondary player (i.e. not the player who's shown on the save file). In the following morning after the Witch event happens, there are a number of furniture pieces completely deleted from the secondary player's cabin. It is an upgraded...
  3. PC Making a dream a reality

    When this game first released I put many many hours into it however I haven't played in years (so i haven't experienced the update either). When I was actively playing I always wished there was a multiplayer mode and now THERE IS! It's been so long I may as well be a new player and I don't take...
  4. Windows Help! Error generating the MXL Document

    Hello, I have a co-op game with a friend and whenever we try to go to sleep in game it gets stuck on the saving screen. We experienced this once before and i'm not sure how we fixed it. Our games are both modded and when i'm the only one in the game it saves just fine, its only when both of us...
  5. iOS Farm Animals Disappearing After Moving Buildings

    I’m playing a co-op game on an iPad on the standard farm and encountered a bug where my farm animals disappeared after moving their buildings. The first time I moved my coop and barn, all my chickens and ducks disappeared, but my barn animals remained. Since only the coop animals vanished, I...
  6. iOS LAN Multiplayer not working

    Hello! So the past couple of days, me and my girlfriend have been playing multiplayer on our iPads. She was having some issues so she had to delete and redownload Stardew. Ever since she did that, we can’t connect to each other. We have both allowed access but to no avail. I have also tried...
  7. Muistollegalaxy

    Switch Online co-op not working, but only one way. Help!

    So my friend started playing Stardew recently and wants to come and see my year 7 farm. I have 2 pre-built cabins on my farm which have never been used by any other players before, but for some reason when I host my farm does not show up for him to be able to enter. He created a new farm on his...
  8. Windows Invitation Code isn't generating

    I've been trying to play with a friend of mine for around half an hour now, but we found a problem that both of us have. You see, we were trying to play through the Invitation Code method, and unlike most people, I am getting both the "Invite Friends" and "Invitation Code" buttons, but the catch...
  9. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Volcano split screen multiplayer bug

    When I play multiplayer, if I (host) don’t enter the next floor of the volcano first, it’s completely glitched. There’s no monsters, no drops, no rocks, and even no lava. I’m on Xbox series x if that helps
  10. Windows Multiplayer online co-op not working

    Me and my gf are trying to play online co-op both on windows. I have the Microsoft store version and she has the steam version When either of us tries to join the hosts farm, it says connecting for a while before it fails. We also tried connecting via LAN but we get the same message...
  11. Mac Can't take steam screenshots or access steam overlay

    Hello! I recently started playing in co-op mode, wanting to take screenshots to post through steam, but it won't work. I switched over to compatibility mode and screenshots would work, but then I couldn't connect to the co-op server. Not the end of the world, but I'd love to be able to post...
  12. iOS I can’t get married with my teammate on iPad OS in multiplayer

    ver. Stardew Valley: ver. iPad OS: 18.1.1 I’m a host, my teammate made a ring, my house is updated enough (thrice, i have a cellar). I can’t get married on my teammate and he can’t get it on me too. His house was updated once. When I hold the ring in my hands, I go up to my teammate and...
  13. Switch Bug??

    I play on switch and the version i play is 1.6.9 and build 37. So I was doing a multi-player game and my switch had turned off while in the middle of it so when I go back onto the software it no longer says it's a co-op. It's now only a single player game but doesn't have a name, doesn't show...
  14. Windows Disconnecting in Co-op + some bugs that came along with that.

    Me and my girlfriend are playing in co-op mode together and we're really enjoying the game, we're on year 5 now :). One thing that really takes away from our enjoyment is the random disconnects from the game I get, she hosts so she doesn't get them. We're on our college's Wi-Fi, so not the...
  15. sarilysims

    Xbox 1.6.9 Multiplayer Mines Drops Freezing

    Console: Xbox Series X Version: 1.6.9 Error Message: N/A Language: English Player: Multi Hardware: Xbox Controller (Bluetooth) Internet: Wifi Issue: When playing multi-player, occasionally items in the middle of dropping will freeze. This happens in the mines (only the regular right now)...
  16. Switch Out of Bounds Glitch New Meadowlands Farm

    Console Type: Switch OS Version: 19.0.1 SV Version: 1.6.9 build 37 Farm Map: Meadowlands Farm Type: Co-Op Number of players: 4 players Connection Type: Local Connection In Game Language: English Issue Description: During play, one of the players, who was not the host, was cutting down trees...
  17. Mobile co-op changes

    After switching my game to co-op, I decided to continue with my old game because it failed to connect. But when I went to the mine, I saw that the skull cave had completely changed. Now there are many more monsters and the monsters and images are the same as on the computer. Has anyone...
  18. PlayStation Co-op Player Deletion Causes Crash

    When deleting a co-op player from my farm (using Robin to remove the players cabin), the game crashes 100% of the time when going to sleep for the night, causing all daily progress to be lost. v1.6.9 build 37 Playstation 4, digital game via Playstation store English Originally a multiplayer...
  19. iOS Co-op - Controls stop working

    Hey! Firstly, thanks so much to the team for bringing multiplayer to mobile. This is amazing and it means so much to me and my friends. We frequently run into a bug in co-op where our characters get completely stuck. We cannot move around or even open our inventories or settings. I think it...
  20. Android No dialogue at Pierre's cutscene in co-op

    I'm the host of the world, me and my friend both triggered the 1st cutscene inside Pierre's store where Morris is giving away Joja discount vouchers. The music plays but the game is paused and there's no dialogue, I ended up skipping the cutscene entirely, the red hair character at the...